The introduction of
Enterprise Report Scheduler (ERS) 4.1 in November 2021 represented the
first major upgrade of this powerful reporting and visualization application since its original
introduction. A number of changes were obvious in that the previous 7-tab user interface was
reduced to 3 tabs and a number of other functions were simplified. One of those tabs,
Deliverables, now provides a single place to create, schedule and manage all reports,
dashboards, full views, snapshots, exports, and triggers (more about those later) in the form
of the panel shown to the right.
The current version of
ERS 4.1 includes new and exciting enhancements. In addition to
creating data groups which allows the user to select data using relational database
filtering (such as everything that was measured on a specific machine yesterday), it is also
possible to create named lists to easily access a group of part numbers that are commonly
accessed together. The creation of data groups, named lists, and record/characteristic filters
can now also be accessed from within the creation wizard for reports, dashboards and other
deliverables making the management of deliverable content more logical.
Triggered actions are a new type of deliverable that allows
ERS to take actions like send
emails, run a report, run a batch file or light up an physical andon light when control
limits, spec limits or Cpk limits are exceeded. Additionally, triggers can be initiated for
standard trend violations. Triggers take place based on data being collected in real time.
Finally, a major change in the way
ERS is sold and licensed has been initiated.
ERS is now
sold in two modules. One module is the application where all the reporting and visualization
functions are created. The other module runs as a Windows service allowing
ERS to run unattended on a
server ensuring that all deliverables are functioning 24/7 on schedule. Multiple copies of
service can be run simultaneously on one server allowing long running deliverables to be
assigned to a one copy of the service while short running frequently scheduled items
like dashboards run on a separate dedicated to these type functions.
Learn More at an Online Demo for ERS