Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | workstation | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
* | database_version | nvarchar( 50 ) | |
last_run_date | datetime | ||
* | visible_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | |
Indexes | |||
PK_workstation | ON workstation |
This table represents the actual AQL levels that are looked up based on the percentage and total number of parts. This table is the intersection between AQL Percents and AQL Lots.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | aql_percent_id | int | Foreign key reference back to aql_percent table. |
* | aql_lot_id | int | Foreign key reference back to aql_lot table. |
* | value | int | The value which represents the number of measurements needed for the characteristic based on its assigned percentage and the lot range lookup based on the total parts in the lot. |
Indexes | |||
aql_level_primary_key | ON aql_percent_id, aql_lot_id | ||
Idx_aql_level_aql_percent_id | ON aql_percent_id | ||
Idx_aql_level_aql_lot_id | ON aql_lot_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_aql_level_aql_percent | ( aql_percent_id ) ref aql_percent (aql_percent_id) | ||
fk_aql_level_aql_lot | ( aql_lot_id ) ref aql_lot (aql_lot_id) |
This table houses the lot ranges for the AQL table. Lots are defined as a FROM and TO value (i.e. 1-5, 6-10). In order to work properly, lots should all be contiguous (no gaps between numbers such as 1-5, 7-10) and no overlapping lots (1-5, 3-7). In addition, the FROM value of the lowest lot must start with one and the last lot must end with -1. In this case, -1 signifies no upper boundary. Therefore, if the true AQL lot is 500,000+, then the FROM value is 500,000 and the TO value is -1.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | aql_lot_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto-counting primary key of the table. |
* | aql_table_id | int | The foreign key reference back to the AQL table to which this lot belongs. |
* | lot_from | int | The lower FROM value of the lot. For instance, if the lot is 5-10, the FROM value is 5. |
* | lot_to | int | The upper TO value of the lot. For instance, if the lot is 5-10, the TO value would be 10. If representing the last lot where there is no upper boundary, set the TO value to -1. Therefore, if the last lot in the table is 500,000+, then set this field to -1 for that lot. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_aql_lot_aql_lot_id | ON aql_lot_id | ||
Idx_aql_lot_aql_table_id | ON aql_table_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_aql_lot_aql_table | ( aql_table_id ) ref aql_table (aql_table_id) |
This table defines the AQL percentages (columns) of a 2D AQL matrix table.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | aql_percent_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto-counting primary key of the table. |
* | aql_table_id | int | Foreign key reference back to the AQL table to which this percentage belongs. |
* | aql_percent | float | The actual percentage of the AQL column in decimal form. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_aql_percent_aql_percent_id | ON aql_percent_id | ||
Idx_aql_percent_aql_table_id | ON aql_table_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_aql_percent_aql_table | ( aql_table_id ) ref aql_table (aql_table_id) |
Defines a table of AQL levels. Edit flag specifies whether the user can edit the values or if they are hard coded by Prolink from a standard ASQ Table.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | aql_table_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | Autocounting primary key of the table. |
* | aql_table_desc | nvarchar( 200 ) | The name of the AQL table. |
* | edit_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | Specifies whether or not users can edit the values of the table. |
* | default_table | bit | determines the default table |
Indexes | |||
Pk_aql_table_aql_table_id | ON aql_table_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | cause_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
cause_ref | nvarchar( 100 ) | The short description or reference of the assignable cause. | |
* | cause_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The full description of the assignable cause. |
Indexes | |||
PK_assignable_cause | ON cause_id |
Stores any audit log activity depending on the settings for auditing. Activity could include everything from EDL jobs running to changes from the ERS administrator.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | audit_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto counting primary key of the table. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date the event occurred. |
* | audit_type_id | int | The type of audit event that occurred. Foreign key to audit_type |
* | audit_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | A brief description of the event that occurred. |
user_id | int | The id of the user who caused or performed the action that caused the audit trail. | |
object_type | varchar( 50 ) | Represents the type of object this audit record effects. For instance, if the audit record is for the creation of a new user, this field would contain 'ers_user' and the table_pk would contain the id of the newly created user. | |
table_pk | int | Represents id of the object that is affected by the audit record. For instance, if the audit record is for the creation of a new user, the object_type field would contain 'ers_user' and this field would contain the id of the newly created user. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_audit | ON audit_id | ||
Idx_audit_audit_type_id | ON audit_type_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_audit_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_audit_audit_type | ( audit_type_id ) ref audit_type (audit_type_id) |
Stores the 21 CFR Part 11 audit history for general events such as the signing of documents, password failures, etc.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | audit_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date the event occurred. |
* | audit_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The description of what occurred. |
user_id | int | The id of the user who caused the event. | |
reason_id | int | The reason id given when the event occurred. | |
qcc_file_id | int | The part file id if applicable. Some events will be part file specific. Others will not in which case, this field will be null. | |
entry_type | nvarchar( 15 ) | The enumerated value of the type of event that occurred. DOCUMENT_SIGNED = 9, FAILED_LOGIN = 10 | |
Indexes | |||
PK_audit_history | ON audit_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_audit_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | audit_type_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The id of the audit type. |
* | audit_type_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The description of the audit type. |
Indexes | |||
PK_audit_type | ON audit_type_id |
This houses QC-CALC settings groups which replaces the previous admin groups/ADM files in QC-CALC 4.1 and previous. Settings groups differ from user groups in that settings groups are set at the individual copy of QC-CALC so that the copy shares its settings (paths, etc) with other copies of QC-CALC. User groups are mostly for user privileges. This table also links settings groups with specific sets of assignable causes, corrective actions, Part 11 users, and reason codes.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | settings_group_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto-numbering primary key of the table. |
* | settings_group_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the settings group referred to in Admin tools of QC-CALC. |
settings_group_content | ntext | The content, settings, and locked items of the group itself. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_calc_settings_group_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id |
Resolves a many-to-many relationship between settings groups and corrective actions. This table maps specific actions to a settings group. This way, a copy of QC-CALC will only see only the corrective_actions that are mapped to the settings group rather than every action in the system.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | settings_group_id | int | The link to the settings group. |
* | action_id | int | The link to the corrective action. |
Indexes | |||
_4 | ON settings_group_id, action_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_action_map_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_action_map_action_id | ON action_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_calc_settings_group_action_map | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) | ||
fk_calc_settings_group_action_map_1 | ( action_id ) ref corrective_action (action_id) |
Resolves a many-to-many relationship between settings groups and assignable causes. This table maps specific causes to a settings group. This way, a copy of QC-CALC will only see only the assignable causes that are mapped to the settings group rather than every cause in the system.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | settings_group_id | int | The link to the settings group. |
* | cause_id | int | The link to assignable causes. |
Indexes | |||
_3 | ON settings_group_id, cause_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_cause_map_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_cause_map_cause_id | ON cause_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_calc_settings_group_cause_map | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) | ||
fk_calc_settings_group_cause_map_1 | ( cause_id ) ref assignable_cause (cause_id) |
Resolves a many-to-many relationship between settings groups and reason codes for the purpose of Part 11 audit trail. This table maps specific reason to a settings group. This way, a copy of QC-CALC will only see only the reasons that are mapped to the settings group rather than every reason code in the system.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | settings_group_id | int | The settings group in the relationship. |
* | reason_id | int | The reason id in the relationship. |
Indexes | |||
_2 | ON settings_group_id, reason_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_reason_map_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_reason_map_reason_id | ON reason_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_calc_settings_group_reason_map | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) | ||
fk_calc_settings_group_reason_map_2 | ( reason_id ) ref reason (reason_id) |
Resolves a many-to-many relationship between settings groups and users for the purpose of Part 11 audit trail. This table maps specific users to a settings group. This way, a copy of QC-CALC will only see the users that are mapped to the settings group rather than every user in the system.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | settings_group_id | int | The settings group id that is mapping to the user. |
* | user_id | int | The user_id in the relationship. |
Indexes | |||
_1 | ON settings_group_id, user_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_user_map_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Idx_calc_settings_group_user_map_user_id | ON user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_calc_settings_group_user_map | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) | ||
fk_calc_settings_group_user_map_2 | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
Proposed changes v. 1.6.18 - Categories
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | category_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | This is the primary key for the category table. |
parent_id | int | The value of this field points to the parent category. | |
* | is_dynamic | int | The dynamic category is a template for an actual category name. For example, during the data collection, QC-CALC will replace the [customer] category will with the value of the text or numeric factor called "customer." |
* | [desc] | nvarchar( 100 ) | This filed contains the name of the category. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_categories | ON category_id | ||
Pk_category | ON parent_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_category_category | ( category_id ) ref category (parent_id) | The foreign key that links parent and child categories |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | constant | nvarchar( 50 ) | General key/value pair constants used througout the system. The constant column is not unique and can repeat for short lists. |
value | ntext | The value of the key value pair. |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | action_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the corrective action table. |
action_ref | nvarchar( 100 ) | The short description or reference for the corrective action. | |
* | action_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The full description of the corrective action. |
Indexes | |||
PK_corrective_action | ON action_id |
The main table that defines the type of relationship for a particular dimension (characteristic). It maps to the characteristic and the relationship type (i.e. scatter, whisker, true position).
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | dim_relation_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | dim_id | int | The main dimension that defines the relationship. The mapped dimensions are the child dimensions in the relationship. |
* | relation_type_id | int | The type of relationship that is being defined. FK to dim_relation_type. |
dim_relation_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the relationship if existing. This only applies to feature/characteristic relationships at the moment. The feature name is added here and the various dimension records that make up the feature are linked through the dim_relation_map table. For instance, "Circle 1" may be the feature and "Circle 1:X" and "Circle 1:Dia" may be two dimension records mapped to the feature as characteristics. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_dim_relation_1 | ON dim_relation_id | The primary key of the table. | |
FK_dim | ON dim_id | Index on foreign key to dimension table. | |
FK_dim_relation_type | ON relation_type_id | Index on foreign key to dim_relation_type table. | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_dim_relation_dim_relation_type | ( relation_type_id ) ref dim_relation_type (relation_type_id) | ||
FK_dim_relation_dimension | ( dim_id ) ref dimension (dim_id) |
The map table that actually defines the constituent dimensions and their roles in the relationship. For instance, if the dim_relation for a particular characteristic is True Position, then this table defines the other characteristics that make up the relationship. The dim_relation table will have the actual true position dimension and this table will contain records for the X, Y, and Diameter.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | relation_map_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | dim_relation_id | int | FK back to the dim_relation table. This table defines the child dimension in the overall relationship. |
* | map_dim_id | int | The child dimension. |
* | map_dim_desc | varchar( 50 ) | The type of child that is being defined. For instance, the true position, this may be the X, Y, or Diameter. |
extra_info | varchar( 255 ) | Any extra information that needs to be provided. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_dim_relation_map | ON relation_map_id | The primary key of the table. | |
FK_dim_relation | ON dim_relation_id | Index on the foreign key to the dim_relation table for joining purposes. | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_dim_relation_map_dim_relation | ( dim_relation_id ) ref dim_relation (dim_relation_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | relation_type_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key. |
* | relation_type_desc | varchar( 50 ) | The dim relation type; scatter, whisker, true position,etc. |
Indexes | |||
PK_dim_relation | ON relation_type_id |
Houses all characteristics for the parts being measured.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | dim_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_model_id | int | The link back to the QCC file model or snapshot of the QCC. |
* | dim_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The feature label. |
* | dim_number | int | The current ordinal position of the dimension. |
* | tol_plus | float | The plus tolerance - Add with nominal to get USL. |
* | ctl_upper | float | The currently saved upper control limit. |
* | nominal | float | The nominal or target. |
* | ctl_lower | float | The currently saved lower control limit. |
* | tol_minus | float | The minus tolerance - Add with nominal to get LSL. |
* | tol_type | varchar( 50 ) | The tolerance type - SSL, SSU, BI or Non toleranced |
dim_source_desc | varchar( 1000 ) | The characteristic/dim source description. | |
extra_info | nvarchar( 1000 ) | A general extra info field on the dimension that can be used for any extra info desired. | |
balloon_number | int | The balloon number of the dimension. Added for future implementation. | |
* | dim_type | varchar( 50 ) | The type of dimension (machine, calculated, or manual). |
dim_precision | int | The number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point. | |
* | unique_dim_number | int DEFAULT 0 | The unique dim number. This is a unique id within the part file and stays with the dimension even if the dimensions are reordered. |
* | dim_dead_flag | int DEFAULT 0 | |
transform_info | varchar( 500 ) | This field holds the Johnson Transform information if the dimension is non-normal and has been transformed. | |
* | xbar_mean | float DEFAULT 0 | This is the saved mean for the dimension. |
* | range_ctl_upper | float DEFAULT 0 | This is the saved upper control limit of the range chart. |
* | range_mean | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved mean of the range chart. |
* | range_ctl_lower | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved lower control limit of the range chart. |
* | sigma_ctl_upper | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved upper control limit of the sigma chart. |
* | sigma_mean | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved mean for the sigma chart. |
* | sigma_ctl_lower | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved lower control limit of the sigma chart. |
* | moving_average_ctl_upper | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved upper control limit of the MR chart. |
* | moving_average_mean | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved mean of the MR chart. |
* | moving_average_ctl_lower | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved lower control limit of the MR chart. |
* | xbar_plot_limit_upper | float DEFAULT 0 | |
* | xbar_plot_limit_lower | float DEFAULT 0 | |
* | range_plot_limit_upper | float DEFAULT 0 | |
* | range_plot_limit_lower | float DEFAULT 0 | |
* | last_written_record | int DEFAULT 0 | |
* | historical_plot_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | rt_plots_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | prevent_nominal_update_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | historical_y_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | sigma_value | float DEFAULT 0 | The saved sigma value of the dimension. |
calculation_script | nvarchar( 500 ) DEFAULT '' | If the dimension type is calculated, this field holds the equation. | |
* | rt_plots_graph_type | varchar( 20 ) DEFAULT 'XBar' | An indicator that stores the graph type; normal, scatter, whisker. |
* | check_for_trend_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag that indicates whether this dimension should be checked for trends when trend detection is enabled. |
* | factor_used_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
aql_percent_id | int | This field links the characteristic to the AQL percentage of an AQL table if AQL is being used for this part file. This is nullable since not all characteristics use AQL. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_dimension | ON dim_id | Primary key of the table. | |
FK_model_dim_num | ON qcc_file_model_id, dim_number | Index allowing search on model id and dimension number. | |
FK_model_id_unique_dim_num | ON qcc_file_model_id, unique_dim_number | Index allowing search on model id and unique dimension number. | |
Idx_dimension_aql_percent_id | ON aql_percent_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_dimension_part_type | ( qcc_file_model_id ) ref qcc_file_model (qcc_file_model_id) | ||
fk_dimension_aql_percent | ( aql_percent_id ) ref aql_percent (aql_percent_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | aggregated_export_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The effective or "as of" date of the calculation being saved. |
configuration_id | int | The export config id linked to this statistical value. | |
group_id | int | The data group id that was used in the calculation. | |
qcc_file_id | int | The qcc file that was used in the calculation. | |
dim_id | int | The dimension id that was used in the calculation. | |
global_filter_id | int | The global filter that was used in the calculation. | |
loop_filter_id | int | The cycling filter in the data group that was used. | |
calculation | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the statistical calculation (i.e. Cpk, Sigma). | |
value | float | The value of the statistical calculation. | |
dim_label | nvarchar( 200 ) |
This represents an alert in the system. Alerts are typically displayed in QC-Alert or in QC-Mobile and can be targeted to multiple users, groups, etc via the ers_alert_target table.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | alert_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
action_guid | varchar( 50 ) | A GUID that is optionally stored if the alert was created from an Alert Action in triggers. This allows the system to find an existing alert and update it for escalation purposes. | |
action_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The monitored value that is optionally stored if the alert was created from an Alert Action in triggers. This allows the system to find an existing alert and update it for escalation purposes using the GUID and monitored value. For instance, the combination of the unique action (GUID) and "machine 2" (monitored value). | |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date the alert was created. |
* | alert_content | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The content of the alert. This should be a JSON object indicating the display color, icon, text, etc. |
status_ind | int | The status of the alert such as new, canceled, and closed. | |
status_date | datetime | The date the status changed last. | |
author_user_id | int | The author of the alert. In cases of triggers creating alerts, this will be null. This is only used if a user creates an alert. | |
priority_ind | int | The priority of the alert. Options are low, medium, and high. Priorities are set from escalating triggers allowing them to sort to the top when displayed. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_alert_alert_id | ON alert_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_author_user_id | ON author_user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_alert_ers_user | ( author_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table houses the various groups to which an alert is targeted. Since alerts can be targeted to multiple users or groups, this table resolves the one-to-many nature of the alert to target.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | target_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | alert_id | int | The foreign key back to the ers_alert table. |
settings_group_id | int | Foreign key to the calc_settings_group table when targeting a settings group. | |
user_group_id | int | Foreign key to the ers_user_group table when targeting a user group. | |
user_id | int | Foreign key to the ers_user table when targeting a user. | |
install_id | int | Foreign key to the installation table when targeting a particular app. | |
workstation_id | int | The workstation that will be targeted. This deprecates install_id | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_alert_target_target_id | ON target_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_user_group_id | ON user_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_user_id | ON user_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_alert_id | ON alert_id | ||
Idx_ers_alert_target_workstation_id | ON workstation_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_alert_target_settings_group | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_alert_target_user_group | ( user_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_alert_target_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_alert_target_install | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_ers_alert_target_ers_alert | ( alert_id ) ref ers_alert (alert_id) | ||
fk_ers_alert_target_workstation | ( workstation_id ) ref workstation (workstation_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | analysis_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | date_created | datetime | The date the analysis was run. |
* | user_id | int | The user who ran the analysis. |
desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the analysis that was run. | |
xml_serialized_object | text | The result of the analysis. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_analysis_history | ON analysis_id |
This houses all calendars in the system. Calendars (generally for company holiday purposes) house dates by year. Customers can have more than one calendar (for different factories in different countries) and each has the current year and next year with holiday dates. Deliverables can then observe the holidays and will not run when it's a holiday.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | calendar_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autocounting primary key of the table. |
* | calendar_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the calendar. |
* | calendar_json | nvarchar(max) | A JSON object that holds the actual years and dates for the calendar. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_calendar_calendar_id | ON calendar_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | theme_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | theme_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the theme. |
* | theme_xml | ntext | The complete xml representation of the theme. |
* | owner_user_id | int | The user who owns the resource. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_chart_theme | ON theme_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_chart_theme_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table represents all scheduled reports and exports in the system.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | config_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
config_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the report or export. | |
config_type | int | The type of config (report or export). | |
owner_user_id | int | The user who owns the resource. | |
filter_id | int | The global filter associated with the config. Can be NULL if none set. | |
recur_id | int | The FK to the recurrence table. This no longer used. | |
enabled_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A boolean flag as to whether or not this config is enabled on the scheduler. | |
next_rundate | datetime | The next date time this report/export will run assuming it is enabled. | |
last_rundate | datetime | The last date/time this config was run. | |
report_type | int | The type of report if this config is a report (histogram, xbar, etc). | |
report_template_name | nvarchar( 500 ) | The template path if this config is a report. | |
report_print_type | int | The type of output (print preview, printer, or file). | |
report_export_type | int | The type of export if the report is saved as a file (PDF, JPG). | |
report_send_email | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating whether the report is emailed upon completion. | |
report_open_in_default_app | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating whether or not to open the report. | |
report_export_file_name | nvarchar( 500 ) | The path to the exported report file. | |
report_email_to | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The TO field of the email. | |
report_email_body | nvarchar( 500 ) | The BODY field of the email. | |
calc_used | bit | DEPRECATED | |
compare_num_lower | float | DEPRECATED | |
report_email_cc | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The CC field of the email. | |
compare_num_upper | float | DEPRECATED | |
report_email_subject | nvarchar( 500 ) | The SUBJECT of the email. | |
* | single_part_report_sort | bit DEFAULT 0 | DEPRECATED |
* | single_part_report_sort_type | bit DEFAULT 0 | DEPRECATED |
single_part_report_sort_filter_index | int DEFAULT 0 | DEPRECATED | |
single_part_report_sort_calculation_type | int DEFAULT 0 | DEPRECATED | |
printer_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the printer if the report is to be printed. | |
* | use_default_printer | bit DEFAULT 1 | A flag indicating whether or not to use the default printer in Windows. |
* | subgroup_size | int DEFAULT 5 | The subgroup size to use with the data in the report or export. |
next_run | datetime | The next scheduled run of the report/export. | |
recur_date_to_run | datetime | The date to run (for yearly scheduling). | |
recur_days_of_week | nvarchar( 100 ) | The days of the week to run (for weekly scheduling). | |
recur_time_to_run | datetime | The time of the day to run (for daily and weekly scheduling). | |
recur_type | int | The type of recurrence (every minute, daily, weekly, etc.) | |
recur_interval | int | The interval to run (for minutely or hourly). For example, if you want the report to run every 5 hours, then recur_type would be set to hourly and this value would be 5. | |
* | owner_locked_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | A flag indicating whether or not other users are allowed to run this config. If locked, users cannot run the report or export. |
* | remove_outliers | bit DEFAULT 1 | A flag indicating whether or not to remove outliers from statistics. |
report_note | nvarchar( 500 ) | A general note to add to the report. | |
* | debug_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating if we are in debug mode. |
record_governor | int | A record governor for the report. Set this to limit the number of records returned (ex. last 100) within the filter. For instance, if the filter is January of this year, this will govern the records to the last 100 in January of this year. | |
install_id | int | This id determines which installation will perform the processing of the report/export. | |
* | report_email_ind | int DEFAULT 0 | This indicates how the attachment to an emailed report will be handled. The default is zero which means the report will be attached. A setting of 1 means the report will be sent as a link to QC-Mobile. The link will be available to anyone regardless as to whether or not s/he is a QC-Mobile user. |
report_email_qcm_const | varchar( 255 ) | This nullable field holds the name of the constant of the URL for QC-Mobile should one of the link options be chosen in report_email_ind. NOTE: It only holds the name of the constant and not the URL itself. This allows users to update the URL without having to change all of their reports. | |
ers_service_id | int | ||
ers_service_group_id | int | ||
run_status | nvarchar( 15 ) | ||
next_run_check_date_utc | datetime | ||
next_run_utc | datetime | ||
disable_after | varchar( 50 ) | Will eventually house a pipe string that will have either "x|10" or "dt|yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". This will allow you to enable a report/export and then have it automatically disable itself after either x runs or a particular date. | |
calendar_id | int | A foreign key reference to the holiday calendar to observe for the report or export. | |
period_id | int | A foreign key reference to the production period the report or export will follow. It will not run outside the hours of the production period. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_configuration | ON config_id | ||
idx_ers_configuration | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_configuration_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Idx_ers_configuration_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_configuration_calendar_id | ON calendar_id | ||
Idx_ers_configuration_period_id | ON period_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_configuration | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
FK_ers_configuration_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_configuration_ers_service | ( ers_service_id ) ref ers_service (ers_service_id) | ||
fk_ers_configuration_ers_service_group | ( ers_service_group_id ) ref ers_service_group (ers_service_group_id) | ||
FK_ers_configuration_ers_calendar | ( calendar_id ) ref ers_calendar (calendar_id) | ||
fk_ers_configuration_production_period | ( period_id ) ref ers_production_period (period_id) |
A generic data defined table of fields that are specific to each report.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | config_id | int | The report/export to which this setting is linked. |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the field. |
field_value | nvarchar(max) | The value of the field. | |
field_blob | image | The binary value of the field if the field stores binary data. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_configuration_fields | ON field_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_configuration_fields_ers_configuration | ( config_id ) ref ers_configuration (config_id) |
This table stores custom factor lists. A custom factor list allows spelling variations in the factor names (ex. Lot Num vs. Lot No vs. Lot #). These lists are then used in record filters.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | list_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | list_type | nvarchar( 50 ) | The type of list (text or numeric). |
* | list_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the list. |
* | list_variation | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The variation of the names. A comma separated list of values. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_custom_factor_list | ON list_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
* | field_type | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
field_value | nvarchar(max) | ||
* | owner_user_id | int | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_configuration_setting | ON field_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_custom_setting_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table represents the highest level dashboard that contains widgets.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | dashboard_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | dashboard_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the dashboard. |
* | row_count | int | The number of rows in the layout. |
* | col_count | int | The number of columns in the layout. |
* | refresh_rate | int | The number of seconds between refreshes of the dashboard. |
* | owner_user_id | int | The owner of the resource. |
* | export_image_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating whether or not the dashboard should be exported to an image file. |
export_image_path | nvarchar( 8000 ) | The path of the export image. | |
export_image_setting | nvarchar( 1000 ) | The resolution of the image and FTP settings. | |
dashboard_title | nvarchar( 200 ) | The title of the dashboard. Can be HTML and dynamic labeling. | |
title_group_id | int | The data group associated with any dynamic fields in the title. | |
title_global_filter_id | int | The global filter associated with any dynamic fields in the title. | |
title_fields | nvarchar( 500 ) | The fields within the title. | |
* | debug_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating that debug mode is enabled/disabled. When enabled, it is automatically disabled after one refresh of the dashboard. |
install_id | int | This id determines which installation will perform the processing of the dashboard. | |
ers_service_id | int | ||
ers_service_group_id | int | ||
run_status | nvarchar( 15 ) | ||
next_run_check_date_utc | datetime | ||
next_run_utc | datetime | ||
enabled_flag | bit | ||
calendar_id | int | The foreign key reference to the holiday calendar this dashboard should observe. Dashboards will not process on holidays. | |
period_id | int | The foreign key reference to the production period to which the dashboard will adhere. If specified, dashboards will not run outside the production period. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_dashboard | ON dashboard_id | ||
idx_ers_dashboard | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_dashboard_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Idx_ers_dashboard_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_dashboard_calendar_id | ON calendar_id | ||
Idx_ers_dashboard_period_id | ON period_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_dashboard_ers_filter | ( title_global_filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) | ||
FK_ers_dashboard_ers_group | ( title_group_id ) ref ers_group (group_id) | ||
FK_ers_dashboard_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_dashboard | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_ers_dashboard_ers_service | ( ers_service_id ) ref ers_service (ers_service_id) | ||
fk_ers_dashboard_ers_service_group | ( ers_service_group_id ) ref ers_service_group (ers_service_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_dashboard_ers_calendar | ( calendar_id ) ref ers_calendar (calendar_id) | ||
fk_ers_dashboard_production_period | ( period_id ) ref ers_production_period (period_id) |
This table represents a specific widget on the dashboard.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | widget_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table |
* | dashboard_id | int | The dashboard to which this widget is linked. |
* | widget_type | nvarchar( 50 ) | The type of widget (text, radial gauge, andon light). |
* | position_row | int | The one-based row position of the widget. |
* | position_col | int | The one-based column position of the widget. |
group_id | int | The data group to use to calculate the value of the widget. | |
global_filter_id | int | The global filter to use to calculate the value of the widget. | |
label_override | nvarchar( 100 ) | The dynamic label just above the widget. | |
* | no_data_show_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | A flag indicating whether you should show the widget if there is no data. |
record_governor | int | A record governor allowing you limit the number of records returned to the latest x from any query. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_dashboard_widget | ON widget_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_dashboard_widget_ers_dashboard | ( dashboard_id ) ref ers_dashboard (dashboard_id) | ||
FK_ers_dashboard_widget_ers_filter | ( global_filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) | ||
FK_ers_dashboard_widget_ers_group | ( group_id ) ref ers_group (group_id) |
This table is a generic data defined table of field values for dashboard widgets.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | widget_id | int | The widget to which this field is linked. |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the field. |
* | field_value | nvarchar( 1000 ) | The value of the field. |
field_blob | image | The binary value of the field such as an image (if the field is a binary type). | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_dashboard_widget_fields | ON field_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_dashboard_widget_fields_ers_dashboard_widget | ( widget_id ) ref ers_dashboard_widget (widget_id) |
Represents the record filters present in a data group.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_id | int | The data group to which this filter is linked. |
* | filter_id | int | The filter that is linked. |
* | filter_position | int | The position (order) of the filter in the group. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_displayed_filters | ON group_id, filter_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_displayed_filters_ers_filter | ( filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) | ||
FK_ers_displayed_filters_ers_group | ( group_id ) ref ers_group (group_id) |
This table houses any external reports that are not a part of ERS as regular resources. This allows reports created in other products to have a database entry and then be published through QC-Mobile. As of creation, this table houses both reports from QC-CALC Real-Time (auto reporting and trend detection) and SPC Office Buddy (Excel Job output).
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | report_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autonumbering primary key of the table. |
* | resource_type | int | The type of resource as defined by the viewable resources constant. This defines the type of external report. |
* | owner_user_id | int | The owner of the report linking to the ers_user table. |
* | report_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the report as its seen in QC-Mobile and ERS. In the case of QC-CALC Real-Time, the name is declared by the user when setting up auto-reporting/trend detection to go to QC-Mobile. In the case of Office Buddy, it is the name of the Excel Job. |
* | report_file_name | varchar( 255 ) | The name of the file (no path) that was produced. Used to recreate hyperlinks in the original file name and also for the file extension to determine how to view the file. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_external_report_report_id | ON report_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_external_report | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table represents both dimension and record filters.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | filter_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
filter_type_id | int | DEPRECATED | |
* | filter_name | nchar( 100 ) | The name of the filter. |
* | filter_sql | nchar( 2000 ) | The SQL generated by the filter. |
* | edl_flag | bit | A flag indicating whether or not an edl description should be used. |
* | model_option | int | An indicator indicating the model option (latest model or query across models). |
filter_format | nvarchar( 100 ) | A custom format field allowing an override to the filter name in reports, etc. | |
qcc_file_id | int | The qcc file linked (if one is linked). Used for querying specific features and factors. | |
* | dim_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | owner_user_id | int | The owner of the filter. |
* | dim_filter_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether this is a dimension filter or record filter. True for dim filter. |
* | model_combine_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | Flag indicating whether or not we should combine like dimensions across models. |
* | archive_option | int DEFAULT 1 | Indicator that determines if filter should query part files that are archived, unarchived or both. |
part_files_dim_filter_xml | text | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_filter | ON filter_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_filter_ers_filter_type | ( filter_type_id ) ref ers_filter_type (filter_type_id) | ||
FK_ers_filter_ers_filter | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) | ||
Fk_ers_filter_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
Represents the WHERE clause of filters in ERS.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | filter_condition_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | filter_id | int | The filter to which this condition is linked. |
* | logical_operator | varchar( 10 ) | The logical operator (AND, OR). |
* | filter_field | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The field on which to filter. |
left_paren | varchar( 10 ) | Text field representing a set of left parentheses. | |
* | compare_operator | varchar( 100 ) | The operator (greater than, equal to, etc). |
* | criteria | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The criteria value being compared. |
right_paren | varchar( 10 ) | Text field representing a set of right parentheses. | |
extra_info | varchar( 100 ) | This extra info field allows us to add specific information about the type of filter or join condition. It is currently used for characteristic filters that use the "Where Found In (Latest Part File)" operator. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_filter_condition | ON filter_condition_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_filter_condition_ers_filter | ( filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) |
Maps dimension filters to QCQ files to prevent dimension filters from querying every file in a particular directory.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | filter_file_id | int | The primary key of the table. |
* | filter_id | int | |
* | file_path | nvarchar( 500 ) | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_filter_file | ON filter_file_id |
This table represents the table joins in a filter.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | join_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | filter_id | int | The filter id to which this join is linked. |
* | join_desc | varchar( 100 ) | The name of the join. |
* | condition_related_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | |
* | table_left | varchar( 100 ) | The table on the left side of the join. |
table_left_alias | varchar( 100 ) | The generated table alias for the left table. | |
* | join_style | varchar( 50 ) | The join style (inner, left outer). |
* | table_right | varchar( 100 ) | The table on the right side of the join. |
table_right_alias | varchar( 100 ) | The generated table alias for the right table. | |
* | table_left_keys | varchar( 200 ) | The list of keys for the left table. |
* | table_right_keys | varchar( 200 ) | The list of keys for the right table. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_filter_joins | ON join_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_filter_join_ers_filter | ( filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | filter_type_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
filter_type_name | nchar( 20 ) | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_filter_type | ON filter_type_id |
This table represents full views in ERS.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | view_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | view_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the full view. |
image_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the image that was uploaded as the background image. | |
bg_image | image | The image itself in binary form. | |
size_mode | int | The size mode of the view (stretch, tile, etc). Stretch is the most common. | |
* | refresh_rate | int | The refresh rate in seconds. |
* | owner_user_id | int | The owner of the full view. |
* | sticky_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | Flag indicating whether the hotspot should continue blinking until acknowledgement. |
* | debug_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether or not this view is in debug/troubleshooting mode. If so, it will automatically be set to false after the next refresh of the view. |
install_id | int | This id determines which installation will actually perform the processing of the full view. | |
ers_service_id | int | ||
ers_service_group_id | int | ||
run_status | nvarchar( 15 ) | ||
next_run_check_date_utc | datetime | ||
next_run_utc | datetime | ||
enabled_flag | bit | ||
calendar_id | int | The foreign key reference to the calendar the full view should observe. Full views do not process on known holidays if chosen. | |
period_id | int | A foreign key reference to the production period table that the full view will observe. Full views will not run outside of production period hours if selected. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view | ON view_id | ||
Idx_ers_full_view_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Idx_ers_full_view_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_full_view_calendar_id | ON calendar_id | ||
Idx_ers_full_view_period_id | ON period_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_full_view | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
FK_ers_full_view_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_full_view_ers_service | ( ers_service_id ) ref ers_service (ers_service_id) | ||
fk_ers_full_view_ers_service_group | ( ers_service_group_id ) ref ers_service_group (ers_service_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_full_view_ers_calendar | ( calendar_id ) ref ers_calendar (calendar_id) | ||
fk_ers_full_view_production_period | ( period_id ) ref ers_production_period (period_id) |
This table represents hotspots in a full view.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | hotspot_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | view_id | int | The full view to which the hotspot is linked. |
hotspot_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the hotspot. Usually auto-generated. | |
group_id | int | The data group that is used to calculate values. | |
global_filter_id | int | The global filter (optional) that is used to filter data. | |
* | pos_x | float | The X position of the hotspot on the full view. This is a percentage. |
* | pos_y | float | The Y position of the hotspot on the full view. This is a percentage. |
link_view_id | int | If the hotspot is a link to another full view, the id of the other view. | |
* | sticky_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | DEPRECATED |
last_run_date | datetime | The date time the hotspot last refreshed. | |
last_run_data_flag | bit | A flag indicating whether or not there was data the last time it was refreshed. | |
record_governor | int | A record govenor allowing you to pull only the latest x records when calculating the hotspot value. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view_hotspot | ON hotspot_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_full_view_hotspot_ers_full_view | ( view_id ) ref ers_full_view (view_id) |
This table is a generic data defined table of fields for hotspots.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | hotspot_id | int | The hotspot to which this field is linked. |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the field. |
* | field_value | nvarchar( 1000 ) | The value of the field. |
field_blob | image | The binary value of the field such as an image (if the field stores binary data). | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view_hotspot_fields | ON field_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_full_view_hotspot_fields_ers_full_view_hotspot | ( hotspot_id ) ref ers_full_view_hotspot (hotspot_id) |
Represents a trend that has occurred on a hotspot. All trends/rule breaks are logged so we do not flash the lights for the same issue more than once.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | trend_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | hotspot_id | int | The hotspot to which the trend is linked. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the trend/violation. |
* | rule_type | int | The type of rule that was broken. |
* | trend_state | int | The current state of the trend (warning or exception). |
* | trend_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The description of the trend. |
* | trend_info | nvarchar( 4000 ) | Extra info about the trend used to render the full view. |
* | ack_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether or not the trend has been acknowledged. |
unique_identifier | nvarchar( 200 ) | Special string uniquely identifying the trend. | |
ack_date | datetime | Datetime the trend was acknowledged. | |
ack_user_id | int | The user who acknowledged the trend. | |
end_date | datetime | The date time the trend actually stopped occurring. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view_hotspot_trend | ON trend_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_full_view_hotspot_trend_ers_full_view_hotspot | ( hotspot_id ) ref ers_full_view_hotspot (hotspot_id) |
This table stores the rules that are checked in a hotspot.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | rule_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | hotspot_id | int | The hotspot to which the rule is linked. |
* | rule_type | int | The type of rule (Low part count, low Cpk, etc.) |
enabled_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating whether or not the rule is enabled. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view_rule | ON rule_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_full_view_rule_ers_full_view_hotspot | ( hotspot_id ) ref ers_full_view_hotspot (hotspot_id) |
A generic data defined table of fields for rules. For instance, if the rule is low Cpk, there will be two fields for the rule; a warning value and an exception value.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | rule_id | int | The rule to which the field is linked. |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the field. |
field_value | nvarchar( 1000 ) | The value of the field. | |
field_blob | image | The binary value of the field such as an image (if field is binary). | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_full_view_rule_fields | ON field_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_full_view_rule_fields_ers_full_view_rule | ( rule_id ) ref ers_full_view_rule (rule_id) |
This table contains global user variables used in ERS application. The variables could be paths or other values. The variables' values are set on the admin level and can be used throughout the application allowing changing values in a single place.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | variable_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
desc | nvarchar( 255 ) | ||
* | name | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
* | type | nvarchar( 20 ) | |
value | ntext | ||
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_global_variable_variable_id | ON variable_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
group_name | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the group. | |
created_by | int | The owner of the data group. | |
creation_date | datetime | The creation date of the group. | |
last_modified_by | int | DEPRECATED | |
last_modification_date | datetime | Date/time of the last modification. | |
dim_filter_id | int | The dim filter id if the dimensions are driven by dim filter. | |
* | combine_dims_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether to combine like dimensions across models (when files and dimensions are used in group). |
* | use_latest_qcc_files | bit DEFAULT 0 | DEPRECATED |
* | dim_option | int DEFAULT 0 | The dimension handling option (stack, subgroup across dimensions) for groups that use files and dimensions. |
model_option | int | The model option (use latest, query across models, etc) for groups that use files and dimensions. | |
part_files_dim_filter_xml | text | ||
override_part_files | bit | ||
category_id | int | ||
named_list_id | int | A foreign key to the ers_part_file_named_list. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_group | ON group_id | ||
Idx_ers_group_category_id | ON category_id | ||
Idx_ers_group_named_list_id | ON named_list_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_group_ers_user1 | ( created_by ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_ers_group_ers_user2 | ( last_modified_by ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_group_category | ( category_id ) ref category (category_id) | ||
fk_ers_group | ( named_list_id ) ref ers_part_file_named_list (list_id) |
A many to many resolution table between report/export jobs and data groups. Each report, can have multiple groups and each group can belong to more than one report job.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | config_id | int | The id of the report/export job. |
* | group_id | int | The id of the datagroup. |
* | group_position | int | The ordinal position of the group in the report/export. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_mapped_group | ON config_id, group_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_mapped_group_ers_configuration | ( config_id ) ref ers_configuration (config_id) | ||
FK_ers_mapped_group_ers_group | ( group_id ) ref ers_group (group_id) |
This is a list of part files that can be used in dimension filter, data view, or data analysis screen
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | list_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
owner_user_id | int | ||
settings_xml | nvarchar(max) | ||
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_part_file_named_list_list_id | ON list_id | ||
Idx_ers_part_file_named_list_owner_user_id | ON owner_user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_part_file_named_list_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table represents production periods that can be defined. The database can house multiple production periods (for different factories) and deliverables will adhere to the production periods and only operate within them. For instance, a user can create a production period that spans Monday - Friday (9am-5pm). For any deliverables that observe this production period, they will not run outside these hours.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | period_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autocounting primary key of the table. |
* | period_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the production period. |
* | period_json | nvarchar(max) | A JSON object that contains the days and hours that define the production period. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_production_period_period_id | ON period_id |
This table houses the current report settings for manual reports.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | report_type | nvarchar( 50 ) | The type of report (histogram, etc). |
* | field_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the field. |
* | field_value | nvarchar( 500 ) | The setting's value. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_report_fields | ON field_id |
Maintains a history of all scheduled runs. This includes runs of reports, exports, full views and dashboards. This will also be expanded to include outside reporting such as QC-CALC and Office Buddy reports.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
config_id | int | The id of the resource (report, export, dashboard or full view). | |
* | config_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the resource. |
* | config_type | int | The config type (export or report). Only used in ERS. |
* | run_date | datetime | The date/time of the run. |
automatic | bit | Always true. No longer used. | |
* | owner_user_id | int DEFAULT 0 | The owner of the resource. |
resource_type | int | The type of resource (dashboard, export, etc). | |
resource_blob | image | A binary representation of the resource (PDF for report, PNG for dashboard). | |
start_date | date | Reports and Exports use run date as the time they ran. For Dashboards and Full Views, they refresh on a regular basis. To prevent a new record in this table for each refresh of a Dashboard or Full View, we simply set the start_date each time a Dashboard or Full View starts and update the run_date each time it refreshes. This makes it possible to see how long either has been running. | |
resource_note | varchar( 100 ) | Allows us to add information about the run. This is not yet used but is reserved for future expansion. | |
install_id | int | ||
ers_service_id | int | This is the ID of the service that processed the deliverable. Since there can be multiple services mapped to the same installation, use this id if present (not null). If null, then the install_id specifies the ERS app than than the deliverable. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_run_history | ON history_id | ||
Idx_ers_run_history_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_run_history_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_run_history | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_ers_run_history_ers_service | ( ers_service_id ) ref ers_service (ers_service_id) |
Not used.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | recur_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
config_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | ||
enabled_flag | bit | ||
next_rundate | datetime | ||
owner_user_id | int | ||
recur_date_to_run | datetime | ||
recur_days_of_week | int | ||
recur_interval | int | ||
recur_time_to_run | datetime | ||
recur_type | int | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_schedule_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
Holds selected dimensions in a data group (if group is using files and dimensions).
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_id | int | The data group id. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The qcc file id of the linked file. |
* | dim_position | int | The ordinal (nth) dimension position (not id). This allows us to look across models. |
* | dim_order | int | DEPRECATED. |
* | used | smallint | Flag indicating whether or not to include this dimension in the data group. When a file is added, all dimensions are loaded to this table, but only "used" dimensions are included in reports. |
* | special | smallint | DEPRECATED. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_selected_dimension | ON group_id, qcc_file_id, dim_position | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_selected_dimension_ers_selected_dimension | ( group_id, qcc_file_id ) ref ers_selected_qcc_file (group_id, qcc_file_id) |
Contains qcc files for the data group (if group is using files and dimensions).
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_id | int | The data group id. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The qcc file id of the linked file. |
* | qcc_file_order | int | The ordinal position of the file in the list. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_selected_qcc_file | ON group_id, qcc_file_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_selected_qcc_file_ers_group | ( group_id ) ref ers_group (group_id) | ||
FK_ers_selected_qcc_file_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
This table was added because we can't change the Installation table. It will break the older copies because of the way how the code was written.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | ers_service_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
* | install_id | int | |
friendly_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | ||
* | is_shared | bit | |
alive_freq_in_sec | int DEFAULT 60 | ||
alive_check_date_utc | date | ||
ers_service_group_id | int | A foreign key to the ers_service_group table. One ERS Service can belong only to a single ERS Service group. | |
process_rate_in_sec | int | Indicates how often the service shoudl check if it has anything to process. | |
service_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the service in Windows as created from within ERS. This is the unique service name. | |
lic_info | nvarchar( 4000 ) | Internal usage of license information for the particular service. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_service_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Idx_ers_service_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_service_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_service_installation | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_ers_service | ( ers_service_group_id ) ref ers_service_group (ers_service_group_id) |
This table holds the ers service groups. This is done for the data processing purposes: dashboards, reports, exports, or fullviews can be run by one or multiple ers services. An ERS Service can belong to one service group.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | ers_service_group_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key for this table. |
name | varchar( 100 ) | The group name | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_service_group_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id |
This holds snapshots of 2D/3D drawings taken in ERS.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | snapshot_id | int | The auto-incrementing primary key of the table. |
snapshot_desc | varchar( 100 ) | The friendly description given to the snapshot. | |
owner_user_id | int | Since snapshots are resources in the system just like reports, exports, full views, and dashboards, they are owned by the user who created them. This maps to the ers_user table. | |
drawing_resource_id | int | This foreign key maps back to the original drawing from which the snapshot was taken. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_snapshot_snapshot_id | ON snapshot_id | ||
Idx_ers_snapshot_owner_user_id | ON owner_user_id | ||
Idx_ers_snapshot_drawing_resource_id | ON drawing_resource_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_snapshot_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_snapshot_resource | ( drawing_resource_id ) ref resource (resource_id) |
This maps particular dimensions from part files into the snapshot with coordinates.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | qcc_file_id | int | A foreign key to the part file associated with the characteristic. |
* | unique_dim_number | int | The unique_dim_number of the dimension within the part file. This refers to the unique dim number rather than the dim_id so we do not have to update it when models change since unique dim numbers survive across models. |
* | snapshot_id | int | A foreign key reference to the ers_snapshot table declaring onto which snapshot the characteristic should be placed. |
coordinates | varchar( 50 ) | The X and Y coordinates (comma separated). This was declared as a single varchar rather than 2 fields so we would have the option of storing X, Y, and Z in the future. | |
Indexes | |||
_0 | ON qcc_file_id, unique_dim_number, snapshot_id | ||
Idx_ers_snapshot_dim_map_qcc_file_id | ON qcc_file_id | ||
Idx_ers_snapshot_dim_map_snapshot_id | ON snapshot_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_snapshot_dim_map | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) | ||
fk_ers_snapshot_dim_map_snapshot | ( snapshot_id ) ref ers_snapshot (snapshot_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | calc_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
effective_date | datetime | ||
config_id | int | ||
group_id | int | ||
qcc_file_id | int | ||
dim_id | int | ||
filter_id | int | ||
calculation | nvarchar( 20 ) | ||
value | float | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_stats_data | ON calc_id |
This table includes tasks that appear in QC-Mobile's task list widget on the home screen.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | task_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autonumbering primary key of the table. |
* | task_type | int | A numeric indicator of the type of task to be performed. Current values are: 0 - Acknowledge Only 1 - Add Assignable Cause 2 - Add Corrective Action 3 - Add a Note 4 - Approve a Batch of parts |
task_user_id | int | The user id who created the task (not the recipient). This is null when tasks are assigned by the system. | |
task_info | nvarchar(max) | A JSON field that describes everything needed for the user to execute the task. For instance, in the case of adding an assignable cause this would include information about the characteristic and record and reason for the assignable cause. | |
* | task_status | int | The current status of the task. Current values include: 0 - New/Not yet performed 1 - Complete 2 - Canceled |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date and time the task was created. |
due_date | datetime | An optional due date for the task. | |
complete_date | datetime | The date and time the task was completed (once completed) | |
complete_user_id | int | The id of the user who completed the task. | |
* | required_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Whether or not it is required that the user perform the task. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_task_task_id | ON task_id | ||
Idx_ers_task_task_user_id | ON task_user_id | ||
Idx_ers_task_complete_user_id | ON complete_user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_task_ers_user | ( task_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_task_ers_user1 | ( complete_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
A list of task recipients. Recipients can include user groups, individual users, or both.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | task_recip_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autonumbering primary key of the table. |
* | task_id | int | The id of the task to which the recipients are attached. |
recip_group_id | int | A user group id if the recipient is a user group. | |
recip_user_id | int | A user id if the recipient is a user. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_task_recipient_task_recip_id | ON task_recip_id | ||
Idx_ers_task_recipient_task_id | ON task_id | ||
Idx_ers_task_recipient_recip_group_id | ON recip_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_task_recipient_recip_user_id | ON recip_user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_task_recipient_ers_task | ( task_id ) ref ers_task (task_id) | ||
fk_ers_task_recipient | ( recip_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_task_recipient_ers_user | ( recip_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table stores the information about ERS triggers. The triggers concept is about performing actions such as sending emails, generating reports, etc, when a number of parts changes.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | trigger_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key. |
trigger_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The short description of the trigger. | |
trigger_conditions | nvarchar( 4000 ) | Serialized conditions object. | |
run_status | nvarchar( 15 ) | Contains processing steps. | |
refresh_rate | int | The number of seconds of how often the trigger must be checked. DEPRECATED as of May 2024 and replaced by recurrence. | |
part_file_list_id | int | Trigger file selection: a foreign key to the part_file_named_list table. | |
owner_user_id | int | A foreign key to the ers_user table. | |
number_of_records | int | The number of records for reported set | |
next_run_utc | datetime | The next run date to run the trigger in the universal time format. | |
next_run_check_date_utc | datetime | The date when the trigger will be checked. | |
monitor_all_files | bit | Trigger file selection: indicates that all part files should be used in the trigger. | |
install_id | int | A foreign key to the installation table indicating the processor for the trigger. | |
ers_service_id | int | The ERS service that processes this trigger. | |
ers_service_group_id | int | A foreign key to the services group that processes this trigger. | |
enabled_flag | bit | A flag that indicates wheater the trigger is enabled to autorun. | |
dim_filter_id | int | Trigger file selection: a foreign key to the dimension filter. | |
debug_flag | bit | A flag indicating that the trigger should run in debug mode. | |
complete_records_flag | bit | A flag indicating that the trigger should only process completed records when running multi-source. | |
calendar_id | int | The foreign key reference to the calendar the trigger should observe | |
period_id | int | The foreign key reference to the production period to which the trigger will adhere. If specified, triggers will not run outside the hours of the production period. | |
* | trigger_style | int | This indicates the style and behavior of the trigger. As of the definition there are two styles; part-based and date-based. More may be developed in the future. |
trigger_lookback | int | This field is used for date-based triggers and allows a lookback override when looking for the expected number of parts. The field is denoted in seconds to lookback. This overrides the usual lookback which would use the bookmark date. | |
recurrence | nvarchar( 1000 ) | This replaces the refresh_rate which is deprecated as of May 2024. This is a JSON object that defines a more comprehensive scheduling allowing the user to schedule triggers to run daily, weekly, monthly, multiple times per day, or the traditional interval style of minutely or hourly. | |
monitor_style | nvarchar( 4000 ) | This is a JSON object that defines the monitoring for date-based triggers. Since workstations, part files, or trace field values can be monitored, this defines what is actually being monitored. | |
* | check_back_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Indicates whether or not the trigger is currently in check back mode. In cases with date-based triggers, the trigger can automatically check back to see if the trigger has been satisfied if at least one escalation has been set. Check back is only launched if less than the expected number of parts has arrived when the trigger first runs. |
check_back_last_date | datetime | Indicates the last date the trigger checked back if in check back mode. Triggers can fire often based on the normal deliverable timer so this ensures we only check back once per minute. | |
* | escalate_flag_1 | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating that a date-based trigger should check back if less than the expected parts were found and then escalate after a certain number of minutes. |
* | escalate_flag_2 | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating that a date-based trigger should check back if less than the expected parts were found and then escalate to a second level after a certain number of minutes. |
escalate_min_1 | int | The number of minutes to wait before the first escalation event. | |
escalate_min_2 | int | The number of minutes to wait before the second escalation event. | |
history_id | int | The history id of the trigger's run in the run history table. This is only saved during check back mode. When in check back mode, the initial run will create the history record. Subsequent check backs and escalations will then use the history id to update the log of the events that occurred until the trigger is either satisfied or gives up. | |
orig_run_date | datetime | Stores the original run date in the event of checkback. For instance, if the trigger intended to run at 9:00am with a lookback of 60 minutes looking for 5 new parts measured, then we need to maintain the original date through the escalation process. If the trigger is escalating at 9:30am, it's important to make sure the trigger is looking back to 8am and not simply subtracting 60 minutes from the current time (thus looking back to 8:30a). | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_trigger_trigger_id | ON trigger_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_part_file_list_id | ON part_file_list_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_owner_user_id | ON owner_user_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_ers_service_id | ON ers_service_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_ers_service_group_id | ON ers_service_group_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_dim_filter_id | ON dim_filter_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_calendar_id | ON calendar_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_period_id | ON period_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_trigger | ( part_file_list_id ) ref ers_part_file_named_list (list_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_ers_user | ( owner_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_installation | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_ers_service | ( ers_service_id ) ref ers_service (ers_service_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_group | ( ers_service_group_id ) ref ers_service_group (ers_service_group_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_ers_filter | ( dim_filter_id ) ref ers_filter (filter_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_ers_calendar | ( calendar_id ) ref ers_calendar (calendar_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_production_period | ( period_id ) ref ers_production_period (period_id) |
This table contains action details for triggers.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | trigger_action_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key. |
* | trigger_id | int | The foreign key to the trigger table. |
* | position | int | This number indicates the order in which ERS will execute the action. |
* | action_type | int | The number representing the action type. |
action_params | nvarchar(max) | This field contains the servialized object with actions' details. | |
action_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | A user' s friendly description of an action. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_trigger_action_trigger_action_id | ON trigger_action_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_action_trigger_id | ON trigger_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_trigger_action | ( trigger_id ) ref ers_trigger (trigger_id) |
This table contains the bookmarks for date-based triggers which can monitor part files, workstations, or trace field values.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | bookmark_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autocounting primary key of the table. |
* | trigger_id | int | A foreign key reference to the ers_trigger table. |
* | table | varchar( 100 ) | The table of the monitored item. Since date-based triggers can monitor different types of items, this has been kept generic. The combination of table and table_pk fields will identify most items such as table="installation" and table_pk=5. Current values can be installation, part_factor, and qcc_file |
table_pk | int | The id of the table for the date-based bookmark. Applies to part file and workstation monitoring. | |
trace_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | Indicates the value of a text trace field being monitored. Value is stored (rather then any IDs) so triggers can work across models. | |
trace_value_numeric | float | Indicates the numeric value of a numeric trace field being monitored. Value_Numeric is stored (rather then any IDs) so triggers can work across models. | |
* | bookmark_date | datetime | The date of the last time the expected number of records was found for the monitored item of the trigger. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_ers_trigger_date_bookmark_bookmark_id | ON bookmark_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_date_bookmark_trigger_id | ON trigger_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_trigger_date_bookmark | ( trigger_id ) ref ers_trigger (trigger_id) |
This table hold pointers to track processed records used in t riggers.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | trigger_id | int | This table hold pointers to track processed records used in t riggers |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The id of the part file. |
* | num_of_records | int | The largest processed unique record number. |
Indexes | |||
pk_ers_trigger_file | ON trigger_id, qcc_file_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_file_bookmark_trigger_id | ON trigger_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_file_bookmark_qcc_file_id | ON qcc_file_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_trigger_file_bookmark_ers_trigger | ( trigger_id ) ref ers_trigger (trigger_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_file_bookmark_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
This table contains the part files processed by triggers.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | trigger_id | int | The foreign key to the ers_triggers table. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The foreign key to the qcc_file table. |
Indexes | |||
ers_trigger_qcc_file_primary_key | ON trigger_id, qcc_file_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_qcc_file_trigger_id | ON trigger_id | ||
Idx_ers_trigger_qcc_file_qcc_file_id | ON qcc_file_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_ers_trigger_ers_trigger | ( trigger_id ) ref ers_trigger (trigger_id) | ||
fk_ers_trigger_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Contains all user information in the system. This includes both linkage for audit/Part 11 purposes as well as ownership and permission within ERS and QC-Mobile.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | user_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The user name specified. |
user_login | nchar( 1000 ) | The password. | |
* | enabled_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | Flag indicating whether or not this user is enabled. Encrypted. |
password_expire | datetime | A date/time indicating when the password will expire. | |
* | password_change_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating that the password must be changed on next login. |
signature_pic | image | A binary image of the user's signature. | |
password_history | nchar( 1000 ) | A list of the last x passwords (encrypted). | |
* | sso_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether or not we are using single-sign on. |
qcm_login | nvarchar( 2000 ) | Encrypted licensing string for QC-Mobile. For Prolink purposes only. Setting to null when not null will void the QC-Mobile license. | |
email_address | nvarchar( 255 ) | ||
password_life_in_days | int DEFAULT null | How many days must elapse (since last change) before the password must be changed. QC-CALC RealTime | |
account_deactivate_max_attempts | int DEFAULT 0 | How many consecutive failed attempts are allowed before deactiving the user (account_deactivate_login_fails_ind must be True). | |
account_deactivate_login_fails_ind | bit DEFAULT false | Whether or not to deactive a user if they exceed their max login attempts. | |
auto_assign_to_group_name | nvarchar( 100 ) DEFAULT null | The group name to auto assign a user to when they log in. Part 11. | |
auto_assign_to_group_name_ind | bit DEFAULT false | Whether or not to auto assign a user to a Part 11 group. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_user | ON user_id |
This table represents user groups in the system. These are used for file permission and resource sharing.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | user_group_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_group_desc | nvarchar( 50 ) | The name of the user group. |
edl_desc | nvarchar( 200 ) | The EDL description for the group. Users within the group have dynamic access to all QCC files with this EDL desc. | |
* | permission_level | int DEFAULT 0 | Future expansion. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_user_group | ON user_group_id |
This table is used for specific QCC files to which the user has permission or does not have permission to access beyond the dynamic EDL description.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | user_group_id | int | The linked user group id. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The qcc file in question. |
* | allow_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | A flag determining whether or not the user has permission to view this file. If true, user can see the file regardless as to whether or not it has the groups EDL desc. If false, opposite is true and file permission is denied regardless of the groups EDL desc. |
* | permission_level | int DEFAULT 0 | Future expansion. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_user_group_file_map | ON user_group_id, qcc_file_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_user_group_file_map_ers_user_group | ( user_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) | ||
FK_ers_user_group_file_map_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Many to many resolution table that maps users to groups. Each user can be a member of more than one group and each group has more than one user.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | user_group_id | int | The linked user group id. |
* | user_id | int | The linked user id. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_user_group_map | ON user_group_id, user_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_user_group_map_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_ers_user_group_map_ers_user_group | ( user_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) |
Generic data defined table containing user group settings.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_setting_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_group_id | int | The linked user group. |
* | setting_name | nvarchar( 50 ) | The setting name. |
setting_value | nvarchar(max) | The setting's value. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_group_setting | ON group_setting_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_group_setting_ers_user_group | ( user_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) |
Table that contains resources that are viewed/shared at the group level.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | group_view_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_group_id | int | The linked user group. |
* | object_type | int | The resource type (report, filter, etc) |
* | table_pk | int | The id of the linked resource. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_group_view | ON group_view_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_group_view_ers_user_group | ( user_group_id ) ref ers_user_group (user_group_id) |
A generic data defined table that contains user specific settings for ERS and QC-Mobile.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | setting_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_id | int | The user linked to the setting. |
* | setting_name | varchar( 50 ) | The name of the setting. |
setting_value | text | The value of the setting. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_user_setting | ON setting_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_user_setting_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This table contains all viewed resources for a particular user. Users can either copy other users' resources or view them. When a view is set up, they are added to this table.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | view_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | user_id | int | The user who is viewing the resource. |
* | object_type | int | The type of resource (report, export, filter, dashboard, etc). |
* | table_pk | int | The id of the resource. |
Indexes | |||
PK_ers_view | ON view_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_ers_view_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) |
This logs exceptions in general. At the moment, it is mostly just logging exceptions from services running deliverables for ERS but this will be expanded in the future.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | exc_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto numbering primary key of the table. |
effective_date | date | The date/time of the exception. | |
category | varchar( 50 ) | The type of exception. "deliverables" specifies that it is a deliverable type exception. | |
object_type | int | An integer specifying the type of object. In the case of deliverables, it is the enumeration for the type of deliverable (full view, dashboard, etc). | |
object_id | int | The generic primary key of the object in question. In the case of deliverables, the fullview_id, dashboard_id, etc. | |
desc | nvarchar( 1000 ) | The description of the exception. | |
stack_trace | nvarchar(max) | The stack trace of the exception if it's a software exception/error. If it's a validation issue, this will be left blank. | |
extra_info | nvarchar(max) | An extra field that can be used to provide more information about the exception beyond the regular description. As an example, in the case of dashboards, this field will often contain the row and column of the widget that had an issue. | |
install_id | int | The id of the installation of software. | |
ers_service_id | int | The id of the ERS service if the exception is related to a service running a deliverable. Since the same installation can create multiple services, this will give us specificity on which service actually failed. If ERS and the install_id is not null and this id is null, it means that ERS was running as an application. | |
* | severity | tinyint DEFAULT 0 | An indicator telling us the severity of the exception. The values are as follows: -1 - Diagnostic run - The system was checking for errors before actually attempting to run and found an issue. 0 - Informational - Information that is relevant but is not causing any issues in the running. 1 - Warning - Exception that is not causing an error, but could lead to problems. 2 - Exception - An actual error occurred. |
* | ack_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating whether or not the exception has been acknowledged by a user. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_exception_log_exc_id | ON exc_id |
Contains the definitions of factors at the model level. Does not contain factor values themselves.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | factor_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_model_id | int | The id of the linked model. |
* | factor_number | int | The ordinal position of the factor. |
* | factor_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the factor. |
* | factor_type | varchar( 50 ) | The factor type (numeric, text, date). |
precision | int DEFAULT Null | The number of places to the right of the decimal point for Numeric Factors. | |
* | historical_plot_flag | bit DEFAULT 1 | True when column is visible in SPC and Buddy grid view |
Indexes | |||
PK_factor | ON factor_id | Primary key of the table. | |
IX_type_desc_model | ON factor_type, factor_desc, qcc_file_model_id | Index on factor type, description, and model. This allow searching based on "text" factor named "Operator" and optionally specifying the model. | |
IX_type_number_model | ON factor_type, factor_number, qcc_file_model_id | Index on factor type, description, and model. This allow searching based on "text" factor number 5 and optionally specifying the model. | |
FK_qcc_file_model | ON qcc_file_model_id | Foreign key on the model id used for joining to qcc_file_model | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_factor_part_type | ( qcc_file_model_id ) ref qcc_file_model (qcc_file_model_id) |
This table holds the information for each workstation that uses this database. Information includes the workstation name, product code, database version, and last login.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | install_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | workstation | varchar( 50 ) | The name of the PC connecting to this database. NOTE: This field has been deprecated as of 1.8.56 in favor of the workstation and workstation_install_map tables. |
install_path | nvarchar( 8000 ) | The path of the installation of the software. | |
* | product_type_code | varchar( 50 ) | The type code of the product (ex. ERS, EDL, RT, SPC, etc). |
* | product_version | varchar( 10 ) | The version of the product installed. 3.4, etc. |
database_version | varchar( 10 ) | The latest version of the database this product knows about. | |
last_login | datetime | The latest date/time the application logged into the database. NOTE: This field has been deprecated as of 1.8.56 in favor of workstation_install_map.last_login. | |
service_visible_flag | bit | Used to determine whether or not the service (ERS) should be visible to everyday users. When a user rolls a report, dashboard, etc into production s/he will choose a service that will run it. This flag allows administrators to turn off individuals that are not production worthy. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_workstation_0 | ON install_id |
This table holds the information for each workstation that is updated. It is used to save the current application revision, a Json file that holds scheduled update DateTime, new revision number and update path, and the last application update DateTime.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | install_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
revision | int | Used to save the current application revision number | |
update_info | nvarchar( 1000 ) | Used to save JSON file containing set update DateTime, new revision number and update path. | |
last_update_date | date | Used to save the last application update DateTime | |
workstation_alias | nvarchar( 100 ) | A friendly name for the workstation. Workstations in corporate environments tend to be more like asset tags so this allows users to have recognizable names. | |
last_user_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the last user that was logged into the workstation. This is used for helping to identify the workstation when the name is not obvious. It is deliberately not linked to the ers_user table since it's just a regular Windows user name. NOTE: This field has been deprecated as of 1.8.56 in favor of workstation_install_map.last_user_name. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_workstation_1 | ON install_id | ||
PK_installation_ext | ON install_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_installation_ext | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) |
Table that contains the literal measurement values of all qcc files.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The linked part id. |
* | dim_id | int | The linked dimension id. |
* | value | float | The value. |
* | deleted_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | The point deleted flag. |
note_id | int | A link to the notes if a note was added to the measurement. | |
original_user_id | int | The original user who entered the value. | |
current_user_id | int | The current user who has changed the value (if changed). On insert, original and current users are same. On update, current user changes and original stays the same. | |
global_gage_id | int | A direct link to the global gage that measured the characteristic. | |
measurement_date | date | The date the actual measurement took place. Only used with QC-Gage and manual gaging. | |
extra_info | nvarchar( 50 ) | Any extra information the user wishes to store at the measurement level. | |
global_gage_id_2 | int | This is the second global gage id for the measurement. This is rare and will typically be null, but may be used in situations where there are two opposing probes that are determining the size of a part. In order to capture both, we have added the ID here. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement | ON part_id, dim_id | The primary key of the table. | |
FK_note | ON note_id | Index on the foreign key to note table for join purposes. | |
IX_dim_part_exclude | ON dim_id, part_id, deleted_flag | Index on dimension, part and then deleted/exclude flag. The primary key already indexes part id and then dimension id so this does the opposite allowing querying by either part or dim or both. | |
Idx_measurement_global_gage_id | ON global_gage_id | ||
Idx_measurement_global_gage_id_2 | ON global_gage_id_2 | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_dimension1 | ( dim_id ) ref dimension (dim_id) | ||
FK_measurement_current_ers_user | ( current_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_measurement_ers_user | ( original_user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_measurement_note | ( note_id ) ref note (note_id) | ||
FK_measurement_part1 | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) | ||
fk_measurement | ( global_gage_id ) ref qc_gage_global_gage (global_gage_id) | ||
fk_measurement_global_gage_2 | ( global_gage_id_2 ) ref qc_gage_global_gage (global_gage_id) |
Contains a history of changes to the assignment of corrective actions to measurements.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the linked measurement. |
* | dim_id | int | The dimension id of the linked measurement. |
* | action_number | int | The action number that changed. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the change. |
old_action_id | int | The old corrective action that was assigned to this position. | |
new_action_id | int | The new corrective action that is assigned to this position. | |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason for the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date EDL loaded the change. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_action_history\ | ON part_id, dim_id, action_number, effective_date | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_action_history_corrective_action | ( old_action_id ) ref corrective_action (action_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_history_corrective_action1 | ( new_action_id ) ref corrective_action (action_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_history_dimension | ( dim_id ) ref dimension (dim_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_history_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_history_reason | ( reason_id ) ref reason (reason_id) |
Many to many resolution table between measurement and corrective actions. Each measurement can have more than one action and each action can be used by more than one measurement.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The linked part id for the measurement. |
* | dim_id | int | The linked dimension id for the measurement. |
* | action_id | int | The linked corrective action. |
* | action_number | int | The ordinal position of the action (1st, 2nd). |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_action_map | ON part_id, dim_id, action_id, action_number | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_action_map_corrective_action | ( action_id ) ref corrective_action (action_id) | ||
FK_measurement_action_map_measurement | ( part_id, dim_id ) ref measurement (part_id, dim_id) |
Contains a history of changes to the assignment of assignable causes to measurements.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the linked measurement. |
* | dim_id | int | The dimension id of the linked measurement. |
* | cause_number | int | The ordinal position of the assignable cause being changed. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the change. |
old_cause_id | int | The old assignable cause in that position. | |
new_cause_id | int | The new assignable cause in that position. | |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason for the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date EDL uploaded the change. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_cause_history | ON part_id, dim_id, cause_number, effective_date | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_cause_history_assignable_cause | ( old_cause_id ) ref assignable_cause (cause_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_history_assignable_cause1 | ( new_cause_id ) ref assignable_cause (cause_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_history_dimension | ( dim_id ) ref dimension (dim_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_history_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_history_measurement_cause_history | ( reason_id ) ref reason (reason_id) |
Many to many resolution table that maps measurements to assignable causes. Measurements can have more than one assignable cause and assignable causes can be used by multiple measurements.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the measurement. |
* | dim_id | int | The dim id of the measurement. |
* | cause_id | int | The cause id of the mapped assignable cause. |
* | cause_number | int | The ordinal position of the cause (1st, 2nd, etc). |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_cause_map | ON part_id, dim_id, cause_id, cause_number | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_cause_map_assignable_cause | ( cause_id ) ref assignable_cause (cause_id) | ||
FK_measurement_cause_map_measurement | ( part_id, dim_id ) ref measurement (part_id, dim_id) |
Contains a historical record of changes to the measurements.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autonumbering primary key of the table. |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the measurement. |
* | dim_id | int | The dimension id of the measurement. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The effective date of the change. |
* | field_changed | varchar( 50 ) | The field that changed (note, value, deleted flag) |
old_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The old value of the field. | |
new_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The new value of the field. | |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason for the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date the change was loaded by EDL. | |
source_ind | int | Indicates the source of the history record. If set to 1, the change was made through a multisource update to the record. If set to 0, the change was made interactively by a user. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_history | ON history_id | ||
IX_measurement_history_part_id | ON part_id | ||
IX_measurement_history_dim_id | ON dim_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_measurement_history_dimension | ( dim_id ) ref dimension (dim_id) | ||
FK_measurement_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_measurement_history_measurement_history | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) |
Contains user notes for QC-CALC. Mapped directly to measurements.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | note_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
note_desc | nvarchar( 4000 ) | The note itself. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_measurement_note | ON note_id |
Contains all parts/records for a QCC file.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | File that contains this part. Added 1.7.1 |
unique_record_number | int | The unique record number regardless of circular status. | |
record_number | int | The current record number which repeats in case of circular. As of QC-CALC4.0, this will be identical to unique_record_number and will likely be deprecated as no longer necessary. | |
* | sub_group_id | int | DEPRECATED. |
measure_date | datetime | The measure date of the part. | |
* | deleted_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | Flag indicating whether or not part should be excluded from statistics. |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date the part was loaded by EDL. | |
signoff_date | datetime | The original creation date for the part. Set once. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_part | ON part_id | Primary key of the table. | |
IX_file_exclude | ON qcc_file_id, deleted_flag | Index allowing search on file id and deleted/excluded flag. Includes all other fields to reduce bookmark lookups and increase performance. | |
IX_file_measure_date | ON qcc_file_id, measure_date | Index allowing search on file id and measure date of part. Includes all other fields to increase performance. | |
IX_file_unique_rec_num | ON qcc_file_id, unique_record_number | Index on file_id and unique_record_number allowing searches on the last written record for the file, etc. | |
IX_file | ON qcc_file_id | Index on qcc_file_id | |
Foreign Keys | |||
Fk_part_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Contains actual factor values.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The part id linking back to the part. |
* | factor_id | int | The factor id linking back to the factor definition. |
value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The value if the factor is a text factor. | |
value_numeric | float | The value is the factor is a numeric factor. | |
value_datetime | datetime | The value if the factor is a date factor. | |
original_user_id | int | ||
current_user_id | int | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_part_factor | ON part_id, factor_id | The primary key on the table. | |
IX_part_factor_value | ON part_id, factor_id, value | Index on part, factor, and value fields for joining and querying by value (text trace fields). | |
IX_part_factor_value_numeric | ON part_id, factor_id, value_numeric | Index on part, factor, and value_numeric fields for joining and querying by value_numeric (numeric trace fields). | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_part_factor_factor | ( factor_id ) ref factor (factor_id) | ||
FK_part_factor_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) |
Contains a history of the changes to factor values.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto-numbering primary key for the table. |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the factor value. |
* | factor_id | int | The factor id of the factor value. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the change. |
* | field_changed | varchar( 50 ) | The field that change (value). |
old_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The old value of the field. | |
* | new_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The new value of the field. |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason for the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date EDL loaded the change. | |
source_ind | int | Indicates the source of the history record. If set to 1, the change was made through a multisource update to the record. If set to 0, the change was made interactively by a user. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_factor_history | ON history_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_part_factor_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_factor_history_factor | ( factor_id ) ref factor (factor_id) | ||
FK_factor_history_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) | ||
FK_factor_history_reason | ( reason_id ) ref reason (reason_id) |
Contains a historical record of changes to part records.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_id | int | The part id of the linked part. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the change. |
* | field_changed | varchar( 50 ) | The field that changed (measure date, deleted_flag) |
* | old_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The old value of the field. |
* | new_value | nvarchar( 100 ) | The new value of the field. |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason for the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date it was loaded by EDL. | |
source_ind | int | Indicates the source of the history record. If set to 1, the change was made through a multisource update to the record. If set to 0, the change was made interactively by a user. | |
* | history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autocounting primary key of the table. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_part_history_history_id | ON history_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_part_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_part_history_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) |
Maintains the sources (install_id) and measure date for each part.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | part_source_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The autonumbering primary key of the table. |
part_id | int | Foreign key mapped back to part table. | |
* | measure_date | datetime | The measure date that came from the source. |
* | install_id | int | The install id of the copy of QC-CALC RT that inserted the record. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_part_source_part_source_id | ON part_source_id | ||
Idx_part_source_part_id | ON part_id | ||
Idx_part_source_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_part_source_part | ( part_id ) ref part (part_id) | ||
fk_part_source_installation | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | spc_group_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
* | name | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
content | ntext | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_spc_group | ON spc_group_id |
This repreesnts the gage connections in QC-Gage. The connection may be a one-to-one as in the case with file based gages or it may be a one-to-many as is often the cases with RS-232 gages with multiplexers where one connection on a COM port actually serves multiple gages. This table is the connection portion only.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | connection_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | connection_type | int DEFAULT 0 | The type id of the connection. This is an enumeration where 0 = keyboard, 1 = Serial port/RS-232, 2 = file based, etc. |
* | workstation | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the workstation where the connection is being added. This is the new location for workstation replaces the qc_gage_global_gage.workstation field which is now deprecated. NOTE: This field has been deprecated as of 1.8.56 in favor of workstation_id. |
workstation_id | int | The id of the workstation to which this gage belongs. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_connection_connection_id | ON connection_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_connection_workstation_id | ON workstation_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_connection | ( workstation_id ) ref workstation (workstation_id) |
This houses all parameters for the connection. For instance, file-based connections would have a path parameter where as RS-232 connections would have fields for baud rate, parity, etc.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | param_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | connection_id | int | A foreign key reference to the connection forming a one-to-many relationship where each connection can have more than one parameter. |
* | name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the parameter being saved. For instance for file based connection "path" might be the name. |
value | ntext | The value of the parameter. For example, in the case of file-based parameters, the value may be the path itself to find the file to be collected. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_connection_param_param_id | ON param_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_connection_param_connection_id | ON connection_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_connection_param | ( connection_id ) ref qc_gage_connection (connection_id) |
Stores gage settings for global gages in QC-Gage. Since the settings are vastly different between gages, this generic table allows them to be self-describing.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | gage_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | computer_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the computer that stored the gage. |
* | category | varchar( 100 ) | The UID for each gage. All name, value and data_type values for each gage will be stored using the same UID in this column. |
* | name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the setting. |
value | nvarchar(max) | The value of the setting. | |
* | data_type | nvarchar( 20 ) | The type of the data field. String, Int and Single are stored. |
* | global_gage_id | int | A foreign key link to the global gage table. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_gages_gage_id | ON gage_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_gages_global_gage_id | ON global_gage_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_gages | ( global_gage_id ) ref qc_gage_global_gage (global_gage_id) |
This is the main table that houses global gages and is linked to the measurement table allowing the tracking of measurements at the individual hand tool/gage level.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | global_gage_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | workstation | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the workstation on which the gage is installed. |
* | name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The friendly name of the global gage. |
* | guid | nvarchar( 50 ) | A globally unique id that links to the spec plan. |
brand | nvarchar( 50 ) | The brand of the gage if known. | |
model | nvarchar( 50 ) | The model of the gage if known. | |
serial_number | nvarchar( 50 ) | The serial number of the gage if known. | |
bar_code | nvarchar( 100 ) | A bar code identifier for the gage. | |
gage_status | int | An indicator showing the current status of the gage. Status is typically going to be either active or inactive allowing gages on the same workstation with the same GUID to be swapped and still run inside spec plans. As long as there is only one active gage with the same GUID on the same workstation, everything will work correctly. | |
connection_id | int | A foreign key reference to the connection id since each connection can have more than one global gage attached. A common example of this is a COM port with multiplexer where the same COM port can have multiple gages on different channels. | |
parent_global_gage_id | int | This refers back to the parent of the current global gage (if there is one). Parents are global gages that are literally plugged in and configured for the current workstation and this ID will be null for those records. Children are global gage records that are simply links back to the parent for the purposes of running a spec plan that was not written on the same PC. Since the spec plan will have GUIDs for its own workstation's parent global gages, we add child records here so we can link the spec plan's GUID expectation with the local parent gage that is physically attached. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_global_gage_global_gage_id | ON global_gage_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_global_gage_connection_id | ON connection_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_global_gage | ( connection_id ) ref qc_gage_connection (connection_id) |
This table houses the calibration history for each global gage. The idea is to have time periods where the gage is calibrated on a particular date and then due on another date. Between those two dates, the gage is considered good. If there is a gap between the due date of one record and the cal date of another record for the same gage, the gage was said to be out of calibration during that period.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | global_gage_id | int | Foreign key reference to the global gage table. |
* | calibration_date | date | The date the gage was calibrated. |
* | calibration_due_date | date | The date the next calibration is due. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_global_gage_calibration_history_history_id | ON history_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_global_gage_calibration_history_global_gage_id | ON global_gage_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_global_gage_calibration_history | ( global_gage_id ) ref qc_gage_global_gage (global_gage_id) |
Linked trace field values that are associated with Master trace fields
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | master_trace_field_id | int | Master trace field ID |
* | linked_trace_field_type | int | trace field type (text or numeric) |
* | linked_trace_field_number | int | trace field number |
value | nvarchar( 100 ) | text value | |
value_numeric | float | numeric value | |
Indexes | |||
PK_qc_gage_linked_trace_field | ON master_trace_field_id, linked_trace_field_type, linked_trace_field_number | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_linked_trace_field | ( master_trace_field_id ) ref qc_gage_master_trace_field (master_trace_field_id) |
Tracks Master trace field values
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | master_trace_field_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | Primary Key to a Master trace field value record |
* | spec_plan_id | int | ID of spec plan that this Master trace field is found in. |
* | master_trace_field_type | int | trace field type (text or numeric) |
* | master_trace_field_number | int | trace field number on spec plan |
value | nvarchar( 100 ) | text value | |
value_numeric | float | numeric value | |
* | last_used_date | datetime | Last time Master trace field was used. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_master_trace_field_master_trace_field_id | ON master_trace_field_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_master_trace_field_spec_plan_id | ON spec_plan_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
Fk_qc_gage_master_trace_field_qc_gage_spec_plan | ( spec_plan_id ) ref qc_gage_spec_plan (spec_plan_id) |
Contains barcode and keyboard entries which allow the user to launch spec plans. Formerly stored in the QuickLaunchAssignments.ini file.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | quick_launch_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key. |
* | spec_plan_id | int | The linked spec plan. |
bar_code_scan1 | nvarchar( 300 ) | Bar code or text in the first position. | |
bar_code_scan2 | nvarchar( 300 ) | Bar code or text in the second position. | |
bar_code_scan3 | nvarchar( 300 ) | Bar code or text in the third position. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_qc_gage_quick_launch_assignment_quick_launch_id | ON quick_launch_id | Primary key of the table. | |
Idx_qc_gage_quick_launch_assignment_spec_plan_id | ON spec_plan_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_quick_launch_assignment | ( spec_plan_id ) ref qc_gage_spec_plan (spec_plan_id) |
This table stores QC-Gage's button files.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | btn_file_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key. |
* | btn_file_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The description of the button file. |
btn_file_data | nvarchar(max) | A json string of the entire button file, no direct links. | |
btn_file_last_edit_date | date | The last time this button file was edited. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_shortcut_button_file_btn_file_id | ON btn_file_id |
Stores the main spec plan description and path information.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | spec_plan_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | path | text | The path to the spec plan on the network. |
desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | A description of the spec plan. | |
content | ntext | Reserved for future use. | |
content_type | nvarchar( 100 ) | Reserved for future use. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_spec_plan_spec_plan_id | ON spec_plan_id |
Stores temporary values that are saved when spec plans are run across multiple sessions.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | setting_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | spec_plan_id | int | A foreign key reference back to the qc_gage_spec_plan table. There are many settings to one spec plan. |
* | category | nvarchar( 100 ) | The general type or section of the spec plan values being saved. This allows us to group the settings by category. |
* | name | varchar( 1000 ) | The name of the setting. |
value | ntext | The value of the setting as entered by the user. | |
* | data_type | nvarchar( 100 ) | The type of the data field. For instance, text vs. numeric. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_gage_spec_plan_setting_setting_id | ON setting_id | ||
Idx_qc_gage_spec_plan_setting_spec_plan_id | ON spec_plan_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qc_gage_spec_plan_setting | ( spec_plan_id ) ref qc_gage_spec_plan (spec_plan_id) |
This table stores QC-Sort plans. Note that the qcc_file_id is linked inside the content text of the record. The application handles the case when the part file doesn't exist.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | qc_sort_plan_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto-generated id for the table. |
* | name | varchar( 100 ) | The name of the sort plan. When running QCQ it's the file name without the extension. |
content | text | The QC-Sort plan ini file stored like blob. | |
Indexes | |||
Pk_qc_sort_plan_qc_sort_plan_id | ON qc_sort_plan_id |
This represents a part file in the database at the highest level.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | qcc_file_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the QCC file. |
creation_date | datetime | The internal creation date of the part file. | |
edl_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The EDL description that helps to ID the part file as from a particular location. | |
* | archive_ind | int DEFAULT 0 | A tristate indicator indicating whether the file is unarchived (0), archived (1), or overridden to be unarchived (2). |
qcc_file_alias | nvarchar( 255 ) | ||
last_edit_date | datetime | The date/time of the last edit to the QCC file. | |
qcc_file_path | nvarchar( 8000 ) | The path to the QCQ file. Used by global.dat. | |
category_id | int | The foreign key to the category table. | |
* | file_type | int DEFAULT 0 | This will hold the file type (normal, GRR, or tryout) as an integer. |
Indexes | |||
PK_qcc_file | ON qcc_file_id | Primary Key of table. | |
IX_cat_location_archive | ON category_id, edl_desc, archive_ind | Index allowing searching on category, location, and archive indicator or just category alone. | |
IX_desc_archive_date | ON qcc_file_desc, archive_ind, creation_date | Index on the description, archive indicator and date allowing typical searching for the file description and active state. | |
IX_location_cat_archive | ON edl_desc, category_id, archive_ind | Index allowing searhing by location and category or just location alone. | |
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_qcc_file_category | ( category_id ) ref category (category_id) |
Contains historical changes at the QCC file level.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | qcc_file_history_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The linked QCC file. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date of the change. |
* | action_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The change itself (typically part 11 actions). |
user_id | int | The user who made the change. | |
reason_id | int | The reason code of the change. | |
edl_load_date | datetime | The date it was loaded by EDL. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_qcc_file_history | ON qcc_file_history_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_qcc_file_history_ers_user | ( user_id ) ref ers_user (user_id) | ||
FK_qcc_file_history_qcc_file | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Contains the models or snapshots of the QCC files. Models are created whenever the structure of the QCC file changes so we can preserve old settings for old values while supporting new values. Models are often created when the number of features or factor changes, tolerances change, or other structural changes happen to the QCC file.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | qcc_file_model_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The id of the linked QCC file. |
* | effective_date | datetime | The date the model was created (and presumably when the file changed). |
sub_group | int | The sub group size of the model. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_qcc_file_model | ON qcc_file_model_id | Primary key of the table. | |
FK_qcc_file | ON qcc_file_id | Index on foreign key to qcc_file for joining purposes. | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_part_type_part_type_group1 | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Generic data defined table that contains most of the custom settings from QCC files.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | setting_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | qcc_file_id | int | The linked QCC file. |
name | varchar( 100 ) | The name of the setting. | |
value | nvarchar(max) | The value of the setting. | |
category | varchar( 100 ) | The category or type of setting if specified. | |
* | data_type | nvarchar( 20 ) | The data type of the setting (integer, text, etc). |
identification | nvarchar( 100 ) | ||
Indexes | |||
PK_qcc_file_settings | ON setting_id | Primary key of the table. | |
FK_qcc_file_cat_name | ON qcc_file_id, category, name | Index on foreign key as well as category and name. | |
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_qcc_file_settings_qcc_file_settings | ( qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) |
Contains reason codes used for 21 CFR Part 11 purposes.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | reason_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
* | reason_desc | nvarchar( 500 ) | The reason code description. |
Indexes | |||
PK_reason | ON reason_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | resource_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto incrementing primary key of the table. |
file_name | nvarchar( 255 ) | The name of the file with extension. This is just the name and does not include the path. | |
compression_type | varchar( 10 ) | This is declared for future use, but is not used at this time. | |
path | nvarchar( 8000 ) | This is the external path to the resource. If storage_type is set to link the resource from the original location (0), this is the path to the resource. | |
blob | varbinary(max) | This is the binary array of the file that was uploaded in the case where storage_type is set to embed in the database (1). | |
* | storage_type | int DEFAULT 0 | This declares how the resource is being stored. It can be a link to an outside location using the path field or embedded in the database using the blob field. Accepted values: LinkFromOriginalLocation = 0 EmbedInDatabase = 1 StoreInPicturesFolderInQCQPath = 3 UseGlobalPictureLocation = 4 |
Indexes | |||
PK_blob1 | ON resource_id |
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | resource_association_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto incrementing primary key. This was done to allow table and table_pk to repeat without forcing uniqueness. This allows the same part file or dimension to be mapped to multiple resources simultaneously. |
table | varchar( 50 ) | The table/entity to which the resource is being associated. This combined with table_pk allows you to associate a resource with a particular record in the table. For instance, table could be set to "dimension" and a dim_id is inserted into the table_pk associating a particular resource (i.e. dim picture) with a particular dimension. | |
table_pk | int | The id of the table/entity to which the resource is being associated. This combined with table allows you to associate a resource with a particular record. For instance, table could be set to "dimension" and a dim_id is inserted into the table_pk associating a particular resource (i.e. dim picture) with a particular dimension. | |
* | resource_id | int | A foreign key to the resource table. This maps the outside record (i.e. dimension with a dim_id of x) to the resource in question. |
role | varchar( 50 ) | The role defines the purpose of the resource association. For instance, when mapping dimension to a resource, the role will typically be "DimPicture" but may also be "DimDocumentation" or some other resource type. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_resource | ON resource_association_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_resource_blob | ( resource_id ) ref resource (resource_id) |
Contains a running log of copies of QC-CALC RT and the files they currently have open.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | monitor_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The primary key of the table. |
qc_calc_location | nvarchar( 8000 ) | ||
serial_number | varchar( 10 ) | The serial number of the copy of QC-CALC RT. | |
model | varchar( 50 ) | The machine model code (OGPM, etc) | |
current_qcc_file_id | int | The currently open QCC file | |
real_time_description | nvarchar( 200 ) | ||
machine_name | nvarchar( 300 ) | The name of the workstation. | |
is_running | bit | Flag indicating if RT is currently running or shut down. | |
install_id | int | A foreign key reference to the installation table allowing us to get more information about the currently monitored part files. | |
Indexes | |||
PK_rt_monitor | ON monitor_id | ||
Idx_rt_monitor_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
FK_rt_monitor_qcc_file | ( current_qcc_file_id ) ref qcc_file (qcc_file_id) | ||
fk_rt_monitor_installation | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) |
DEPRECATED in favor of unified ers_user table.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | user_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | |
* | user_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | |
Indexes | |||
PK_user | ON user_id |
This houses the definitions of workstations and links to both installations and gage connections.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | workstation_id | int AUTOINCREMENT | The auto counting primary key of the table. |
* | workstation_desc | nvarchar( 100 ) | The name of the workstation as taken from the computer name on the system. In the case of virtual desktops, the workstation description will be a concatenated version of the workstation's name (server's name) and the individual user name. |
workstation_alias | nvarchar( 100 ) | A friendly name or alias for the workstation set by users in the software. | |
* | import_gage_file_flag | bit DEFAULT 0 | A flag indicating that the globalgages.ini file has been imported for this workstation. |
Indexes | |||
Pk_workstation_workstation_id | ON workstation_id |
A many-to-many resolution table between workstation and installation. Since each workstation can have more than one installed product and each install can technically have more than one workstation (in case of virtual desktops), this table resolves the relationship.
Indexes | Field Name | Data Type | Description |
* | workstation_id | int | The id of the workstation. |
* | install_id | int | The id of the installation. |
settings_group_id | int | The id of the settings group to which this workstation belongs. | |
last_login | datetime | The last time the workstation/install was active. | |
last_user_name | nvarchar( 100 ) | The last user to log into this workstation/install. | |
Indexes | |||
_5 | ON workstation_id, install_id | ||
Idx_workstation_install_map_workstation_id | ON workstation_id | ||
Idx_workstation_install_map_install_id | ON install_id | ||
Idx_workstation_install_map_settings_group_id | ON settings_group_id | ||
Foreign Keys | |||
fk_workstation_install_map | ( workstation_id ) ref workstation (workstation_id) | ||
fk_workstation_install_install_map | ( install_id ) ref installation (install_id) | ||
fk_workstation_install__settings_group_map | ( settings_group_id ) ref calc_settings_group (settings_group_id) |