QC-CALC Gage R&R Wizard

Inspection data is useless without first proving the reliability of the measurement system on which it is collected. A Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R) study doesn’t have to be a painful process. With our new Gage R&R Wizard, we help you setup the study, guide you through it, warn you of potential problems, and help you analyze the results.

Setting up a GR&R study
Before beginning a Gage R&R Study, the Wizard will help you through a simple setup process. You have the ability to specify the following details in each study:
  • Number of Parts, Trials and Operators in the study
  • Operator Names
  • Measurement Order of Parts and Operators
  • Save the study to use later
Re-measure Part
If at any time during the study you need to re-measure a part and replace its value in the study, you can. Once the part has been re-measured, the study will continue as before.

Let QC-CALC Guide you through your study – With QC-CALC’s guidance, you never need to worry about all of the combinations of Part, Trial, and Operator numbers. The next part for you to measure will be clearly displayed at the bottom of the Real-Time screen, and QC-CALC will take care of the rest.

GR&R Estimate
No one wants to wait until the end of a study to find out how their gage is performing. Now QC-CALC provides you with an estimated GR&R Value that is updated throughout the study. This allows you to save time and money by stopping a study where one or more features are having a serious problem. The estimated Gage R&R value is printed in the graph of each feature.

Analyze the Results
We include a concise report that allows you to quickly locate any features that are problem areas for the machine. You can flag any Gage R&R values that are over a certain percentage in red.

Ready to get started? Here's how:
  1. Download QC-CALC Real-Time

  2. View the tutorial

  3. Run your Gage R&R Study

  4. Buy QC-CALC Real-Time!
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