All available versions for the product are listed on the left side.

New Features

Bivariate Analysis
A Bivariate Analysis report has been added to the list of reports available in the Statistics area.
Multi-Piece First Article Report
This report is similar to a First Article Report, but shows the values for multiple records along with calculations across those records (Average, Range, Standard Deviation...).
Stats to Raw Data Report
Added a report template that shows the cumulative statistics for each dimension.
Block Delete
The ability to delete an entire block of records at once has been added in the Edit - Data area.
Improved Make ASCII
Improved the interface for creating a delimited ASCII text file.
Improved Filtering System
Added timed based functions for filtering like Yesterday, Today, This Week...
Reports printed Manually or Automatically
A few reports can be printed either manually or automatically without operator intervention now. The available reports are: First Article, Multi-Piece First Article, Raw Data, Plot Report, Sample Summary, and Gage Repeat (P/T Ratio) Report.
Export Manually or Automatically
Export either manually or automatically to ASCII files.
Create Metafiles Manually or Automatically
Metafiles manually or automatically created for use in other reports or programs such as Word or Excel.
Assignable Causes and Corrective Actions
Assignable Causes and Corrective Actions can now be assigned to a specific record in the database and will also appear in any reports that show individual record values.
Incrementing Factor Values
Incrementing Factor Values are automatically added from Real-Time Plots each time a new part is collected. This works well for cavity molds, when each cavity is a different part and you need to know which part came out of which cavity.
Point Properties Expanded
The Point Properties window now shows the Record Number, Date and Time, Nominal and Tolerances, and any Factors, Assignable Causes, or Corrective Actions associated with that data point.
Scrollable Real-Time Plots
Scrolling backwards in the file allows the user to view previously displayed points at any time. Reports can also be generated manually on older data values by scrolling.
On-Screen Editing of Inspection Data
This feature allows for re-inspection of features received from the inspection machine and gives the ability to delete an entire record.
More On-Screen Information
Number of points represented in each plot, the current point deviation from Nominal, and the record numbers of the displayed data values are now shown on the screen.
Toolbar Shortcuts
A toolbar of shortcuts to the most commonly used items has been added.
More Choices for On-Screen Calculations
Range has been added to the list of calculations available for display in the lower corner of each plot. Range can be shown by itself or with the Average value.
CD-ROM Installation
The program is now shipped on a single CD-ROM instead of multiple floppy disks.
Select Data Source Expanded
All the settings that were in Configure - System Settings and Hardware have been moved into the Inspect - Select Data Source screen.
Locking Splash Screen Removed
The extra splash screen that showed the locking status has been removed and the information moved to a new screen inside the program available by choosing Help - License Configuration.
Machine Serial Number Locking Restored
For the machines that have a serial number available for QC-CALC to check, the Computer ID / Key locking was removed and the serial number locking method was restored.
Database Storage Increased
The database has been expanded to hold an increased number of dimensions, records, and other items.
Features per Part
Records per File
Numeric Factors
Text Factors
Date and Time
Version 1.xx
not Y2K

Version 2.xx
Year 2000 Compliant
(Microsoft format)
Import ASCII Wizard
A new wizard was added to help with the process of importing delimited ASCII text files.
Save As Capability
The new Save As feature will save the currently open file as the new name, close the currently open file, and open the new file as the active database.
Password Protection
Password protection is now provided for each of the menus within QC-CALC.
Non-Conformance Report
This report is not statistically based, but instead shows the number of defects per feature in the group.
Fails Count
QC-CALC saves a count of dimensions that are out of specification across a single record and displays this value in the right-most column in Edit - Data.
Maximum Number of Plots Increased
The maximum number of plots QC-CALC can display has increased from 50 to 100.
Adjustable Number of Points per Plot
The number of points displayed in each plot was fixed to 25, but is now adjustable to any number from 3 to 100.
Scatter Plots Added
Any two plots can be scattered against one another, which improves visibility of two related X vs. Y features.
Whisker Plots Added
Any three plots can be displayed together as Whisker Plots. Used mainly to plot Min, Max, and Avg. values all on a single plot.
Reverse Engineer Limits
The tolerance and control limits can be calculated based on an entered value of Sigma and the data that has been received.
Delete and Un-delete Data Points
Deleting and un-deleting data points is now available from a right mouse click on the plot.
Change Real-Time Plots Colors
A color editor has been added to give you the ability to customize the colors used in the plots.