QC-Alert Automatic Real-Time Alerting Software

Buy QC-Alert, the automated alert software, from Prolink today! QC-Alert is used to pop up and remind shop floor users when it is time to collect data. Pair QC-Alert with QC-CALC SPC Pro charting software to easily enable triggers that create alerts on the shop floor.

Download QC-Alert today! While you're at it, check out our other products, such as QC-CALC SPC Pro reporting and data visualization software.

How It Works
QC-Alert is a simple application installed on the local shop floor PCs where data collection takes place and works whether the PC is a gaging station or a CMM. The software lies dormant until data collection is needed and then pops up, alerting the operator that data collection is required.

As time passes, alerts can be escalated in severity, indicating increased priority for the shop floor operator.

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$300.00  (Upgrade: $75.00)
  6 Months FREE Upgrades Included!

* Installation of this software on a thin/virtual client system may result in additional charges.