Database almost full warning
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written: 10/21/2011
last modified: 10/02/2024

When QC-CALC creates a new database it uses the settings found in the Tools – Options – File Creation Defaults area for that new database. It is possible that the maximum number of records allowed in each file is set too low for your needs in the File Creation Defaults – Database Settings area and this leads to new data not being collected. The directions that follow will show you how to fix any existing files so more data can be saved into those files. You will also be shown how to change your File Creation Defaults so this will not happen for any new files.

Warning for Full Database
As data is being collected a warning will appear in the Status area when there is only space for 10 or less records remaining. In many cases this message is ignored, but, if it wasn’t, it clearly states that the database is almost full. The picture below shows the warning message you receive. In this case the file needs to be fixed before 7 more parts are received or new data will be lost.

Fixing Existing Files

To fix existing files you must first open them in QC-CALC Real-Time or QC-CALC SPC and make sure that file is not in use by any other program on any computer. Use the File – Modify Database Structure menu to change the maximum number of records allowed in that file. The example shown below shows a maximum of 10 records allowed in the file. Change that value to a larger number and click the OK button to apply that change.

Now that the file has been fixed, data collection can safely be resumed. You will see that the next part that is received will not cause the Status window to appear at all.

Future Files

Once you have had one file run out of space it becomes more likely that other files will have the same issue due to the amount of parts being processed on a daily basis. In order to stop this issue from happening to files that have not been created yet, you need to adjust the Tools – Options – File Creation Defaults area. The picture below shows the Database Settings section where the Number of Records per File setting is located. Change this value to a larger value (probably the same value used in the previous section) and click OK. Now any new files that are created will allow more records to be collected before the Database Full message appears.

Fixing All Files at Once

If you have a lot of .qcc files already and are concerned that they will all fill up, you probably want to change the maximum number of records allowed in all of your files. There is a separate program available to do this. Run the Start > Programs > Prolink > Convert 3.3 program, choose the Change Settings of Version 3.0 Files option, and click the OK button.

On the next screen either choose a folder containing all of your files or choose individual files and click OK.

On the Modify Database Structure screen that appears next switch to the Database Settings tab and adjust the Number of… - Records value to a larger number. Leave all other settings alone and only the maximum number of records allowed in each file will be adjust in all files selected.

Once the OK button is clicked you will see messages as each file is processed. If you entered a value that was smaller than the value already in use in a file you will be asked if you want to decrease the maximum number of records for that particular file. Choosing No on that message for that file is recommended.


Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.4
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.3
QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.2


Data Collection
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