How to Activate and Configure QC-Alert
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written: 01/03/2025
last modified: 01/07/2025

Installing QC-Alert

  1. On the Prolink Software website go to the Downloads page and under Current Versions select QC-Alert.
  2. Select the Download button on the next page to download QC-Alert.
  3. Install QC-Alert. After installing QC-Alert you must activate it.

Activating QC-Alert

QC-Alert is activated through QC-CALC SPC 4.3.

  1. To activate QC-Alert go to Tools > Administrator > QC-Alert and note the Computer ID (you will need this soon).
  2. If you are not familiar with getting a license activation code from our website, see this article:

Note: you will be licensing QC-Alert License Manager. Look for the product QC-Alert License Manager in your list of owned software and select the Activate link under that.

  1. Back in the software, select the Activate button and paste in the activation code you obtained from our website.



  1. Once the QC-Alert License Manager license is activated, you must activate the copy of QC-Alert.
  2. In the table at the bottom of the Tools > Administrator > QC-Alert window click the blue "Activate" that appears next to the entry with your workstation name, as in the example below:


  1. After selecting Activate, QC-CALC SPC will confirm that QC-Alert has been activated:


  1. In the QC-Alert application, the License Status should shown as "Activated" in green text. If it does not show this, click the Refresh button image.png and License Status should now correctly show as being Activated.

Next, we will configure QC-Alert.

Configuring QC-Alert

Launch the QC-Alert application. If you are running QC-Alert on a machine with another Prolink product installed, QC-Alert will get the data storage settings from that product.

  1. To configure the database connection, select Change Setting under "Database Connection".
  2. If Discovered Connections has been populated with options, choose one of the Prolink programs from the list.
    1. ERS, QC-CALC SPC, and QC-CALC Real-Time are most likely connected to the same database QC-Alert should be connected to. After choosing a program, select the Copy Connection Info Below button to copy the database connection info into QC-Alert.
  3. Select the Test Connection button to confirm QC-Alert can connect to the SQL database.

  1. Under "Settings" in the QC-Alert application, set a Settings Group by selecting Change Setting next to Settings Group.


  1. You can also set a custom name for the computer where QC-Alert is installed by selecting Change Setting next to Workstation Name.


  1. Finally, if you would like QC-Alert to start when you login to Windows, select Add to Startup next to Add to Windows Startup.

Using QC-Alert

  1. In QC-CALC SPC 4.3 Professional, select the Deliverables tab.
  2. Select the Add Deliverable button image.png.
  3. Choose to add a Triggered Action.


  1. In the Triggered Action Editor window that opens, enter a name for your Triggered Action and then select "Date Based" for the Trigger Style. Select the Next >> button when done.


  1. Under Monitor Style select "Monitor part files" and under Part File Monitoring, select "Choose a static list of part files".


  1. Click the blue plus button image.png to choose one or more part files. Once you are finished, select the Next >> button.
  2. On the Monitor Style screen, there are several options to select what to monitor and how to monitor it. These steps will monitor a single part file for new parts but, you can also choose to monitor specific copies of QC-CALC Real-Time or monitor for the presence of a specific trace field. Here's how:
    1. Select "Monitor data collection for a specific trace field"
    2. Choose a Trace Field Type (Text or Numeric).
    3. Select a Trace Field Name to monitor.
    4. Finally, select the blue Add Trace Field Values button image.png to select the specific trace field values to monitor.


  1. On the Records screen, specify how many records need to arrive to satisfy the trigger. If you need 5 parts to arrive and want to be alerted when less than 5 have arrives, set "number of records expected" to "5". Select the Next >> button when finished with this section.
  2. On the Schedule screen, specify how often the deliverable should run. This is how often the deliverable will check to see if the number of expected records arrived on time.
  3. Choose how far back in time the trigger will check for records that meet your criteria.
  4. You can also specify an escalation policy by enabling the last two options on the Schedule screen. Select the Next >> button when finished.

In the example below, the triggered action will run once every hour, looking back 60 minutes in time for any records that meet the criteria. If no records meet the criteria at that moment, the software will wait 1 more minute. If the parts still have not arrived, a level 1 alert will be triggered. If another 2 minutes elapse where no new records arrive, then a level 2 alert is sent.


  1. On the Actions screen, select the Add Action button image.png.


  1. In the Create New Action window that opens, select Send an Alert. Select the Proceed button.


  1. In the ActionEditor window, give the action a name and then choose the run conditions below that.
    1. Under Parameters choose a Settings Group or Workstation to whom the alert will be sent.


  1. Farther down in the ActionEditor window, you can customize the alerts for each level of escalation.
    1. Use the Color, Icon, and Keyword selection boxes to customize the look of each alert.
    2. Keywords inserted into the alert message will show specific values when alerted (part file name, date, time, etc).
    3. Select the Save button when done.


  1. Back in the Actions screen of the Triggered Actions Editor window you can add more actions or select the Next >> button when done.
  2. On the Finish screen, ensure the Enabled checkbox has a checkmark in it and then select the Finish button.
  3. When the alerts are triggered they will appear like this in QC-Alert:


Applies To

Enterprise Report Scheduler v.4.2


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