Setting up Zeiss Calypso for output to QC-CALC
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written: 03/25/2008
last modified: 09/16/2024

Install QC-CALC on the PC with Zeiss Calypso.

This document gives a brief description of setting up Calypso to output the table files for QC-CALC. For a full description along with advanced options, please consult the Machine Specific Help in QC-CALC Real-Time by choosing Help > Machine Specific or pressing SHIFT+F1.


  1. Install QC-CALC Real-Time and launch for the first time. On first run, it will auto-detect the presence of Calypso on the PC. Simply choose it and click Finish. QC-CALC is now ready.
  2. In Calypso, write a part program or open an existing program. Choose Resources > Results to File.

  3. On the Results to File Config screen, turn on the Table file by choosing the On radio button. Click OK when finished.

  4. Inspect your part. In the Results frame of the Start Measurement dialog, make sure to check the Table File checkbox and click OK.
  5. QC-CALC will automatically show the graphs when the part program is finished.

For more information, please consult the Machine Specific Help in QC-CALC Real-Time.

Applies To

QC-CALC Real-Time v.3.0


Data Collection
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