This is a general article that links all the data collection overrides articles together to allow you to learn about these features in QC-CALC Real-Time.
Data collection overrides are accessible via the {Administrative] Tools > Edit Application Defaults... menu in newer revisions of QC-CALC Real-Time v.4.0, and Shift+F8 keys in earlier versions. Changing the values can be done by double-clicking them, changing the value in the popup window, and clicking either OK or Apply.
All changes to QC-Config data collection overrides require you to restart QC-CALC Real-Time to take effect.
NOTE: Data collection overrides are typically specific to one or more versions of QC-CALC. Please check the related products on each KB article for the appropriate versions that support the override you want to change.
WARNING: Only change the values in the QC-Config application if you understand the behavior you are trying to achieve.
For a list of all override settings available in QC-CALC Real-Time, see the article(s) below:
QC-CALC Override Settings (Application Defaults)