QC-CALC Part File Utility Manual - 4.1
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written: 08/08/2023
last modified: 01/24/2025


This utility provides a few file maintenance options.

NOTE: Any operations within this utility that will impact a SQL database will have a password challenge appear and processing will not proceed until that password information has been validated.


Convert Part Files

When moving from a previous version of QC-CALC, it is necessary to convert your existing .qcc files to a new database format. This application can also be used to convert part files already stored in a SQL Server database into QCQ files, or to store QCQ files in SQL Server.


This screen is used to choose the existing data format (QCC files, QCQ files, or SQL Server) and the final format (QCC files are not allowed here).


QCC or QCQ Files

This screen allows you to dynamically, or specifically, choose QCC or QCQ files to convert.

Choose the location of the files to be converted.

Dynamically check all files
With this option, all files within the Folder specified at the top of the screen that pass the checkable criteria in this area will be converted.

Include Subfolders
When this option is checked, any subfolders will also be checked for QCC/QCQ files.

Exclude TryOut Files
When this option is checked, any QCC/QCQ files with _TryOut at the end of the name will not be converted.

Exclude Gage R&R Files
When this option is checked, any QCC/QCQ files with _GRR at the end of the name will not be converted.

Exclude ~nDims Files
When this option is checked, any QCC/QCQ files with ~nDims (where n is the number of dimensions inside the file) at the end of the name will not be converted.

Choose a specific list of files
With this option, a list of files within the Folder specified at the top of the screen will be shown on the left. Move any files to convert to the list on the right.

SQL Server Part Files
This screen allows you to select part files from your SQL Server database. Enter your database information and click the Load Part Files button to start. Use the and buttons to move the part files to convert from the Available column to the Selected column. Use the Find box to filter down to the part files that match. Click on a part file in the Available list and the full file name along with the Location and Category information will be displayed at the bottom.


QCQ Files

This screen allows you to set the Root folder to store the new QCQ files. If your QCC files were stored in subfolders, this folder structure will be duplicated within your specific Root folder.

SQL Server Part Files

This screen lets you select the SQL Server database to store the converted part files. Enter your database information and click the Test Connection button if your database already exists. If it does not, use the Create Database button.


This screen requires a few settings for the conversion process to occur. It only appears for QCC file conversions.


SQL Server Only - The Location is a free-form text field that describes the location/origin of the part files.

Assignable Cause/Corrective Action files

The location of the Cause and Action files is necessary when converting your data from QCC files to 4.1. In QCC files, a number that pointed to a value within the .dat files was stored within the database instead of the text of the Cause/Action being stored. This means the correct .dat file for the QCC files is required to bring the Cause/Action values over in the new database correctly.

Location for Automatic Exports to SPC Office Buddy 4.1

This setting is only necessary if any of your files have been set up to automatically export to an Excel Job within SPC Office Buddy. The location for the corresponding 4.1 SPC Office Buddy needs to be entered in this area.


Click the Start Conversion button to start processing the files. As the files are processed, the Log: area at the top of the screen will update to show you the processing that is happening.

Debug Mode

A Prolink support person may ask you to check this box if you have trouble converting files.

Merge Part Files

Sometimes, a new part file is created by accident, and the data from the newly created file needs to be merged into the main file. This tool was created to help with this process.

NOTE: Before proceeding, it is highly recommended that you use the Copy Part Files option to make a copy of the destination file.

Source File

Enter the part file you want to merge into another part file here. After the merging has finished, this file will still exist.

NOTE: The Labels, Nominals, and Tolerances from this file will be used in the final part file when the merge process is finished.

Part File Type

This area allows you to select the type of part file to merge. The options are QCQ File or SQL Server.

QCQ File

Choose the part file that will be merged into the main file here.

SQL Server

Enter all the typical server information for the database and click the Test Connection button to confirm that the information is correct.

Choose Part File

Choose the part file to merge into the main part file here.

Destination File

On this screen you will choose the part file to receive the data from the Source File. This is the main file, and the Source File will be merged INTO this file.

QCQ File

Choose the part file to receive the data in the QCQ File area.

SQL Server

Enter all the typical server information for the database and click the Test Connection button to ensure it is correct. If needed, you can use the Copy from source link to copy all of the SQL Server settings from the previous screen. Use the button to choose the Part File to receive the data.

Merge Style

Merge Style allows you to choose how the part files should be merged. The options are explained below.

Append Records

The Append Records option appends what you are merging. For example, the part files shown below are about to be appended. The part file on the left is the destination file, and the one on the right is the source file.

The destination file will be shown at the beginning of the merged part file, and the source file will be at the end when the process is finished. As highlighted in the picture, the time the parts were inspected will not change how the parts are listed.

Sort By Date

The Sort By Date option organizes the merged part file in order of the time that the parts were inspected. For example, the part files shown below are about to be sorted by date. The part file on the left is the destination file, and the one on the right is the source file.

When the part files are merged, they are sorted by the time the parts were inspected, as shown in the example. The data is mixed, unlike if it were appended.


The Process step is the final part of Merge Part Files, where the part files are merged. Click the Process button to start processing the files. As the files are processed, the Status area at the top of the screen will update to show that the processing is happening.


The Status box shows the merging status. If there is an error, a message will appear in this section saying that there was an error and that the part files cannot be merged, along with an explanation. This means that you will have to go back and change either the source file or the destination file to correct the error.

Debug Mode

A Prolink support person may ask you to check this box if you have trouble merging files.

Copy Part Files

Source File

This utility is used to copy part files from within SQL Server only. The regular Windows interface should be used to copy QCQ files. Enter all the typical server information for the database and click the Test Connection button to ensure it is correct. Once that is done use the button to choose the part file you wish to copy. If used, the Location and Category will be displayed.


This screen is used to choose where the copy of the part file will be made. Enter all the typical server information for the database and click the Test Connection button to make sure it is correct. If needed, you can use the Copy from source link to copy all of the SQL Server settings from the previous screen.

Choose/Type Location

You can put the copied part file into an existing Location, enter a new name to create a new Location within the database, or leave this area blank to keep the part file out of any Location.

Choose Category

Use the button to choose a Category for the copied part file or leave this area blank to not use a Category at all.

New Part File Name

The previous part file name will be shown here automatically, but if you would like to rename the file during the copying process, enter the new name here.


Click the Process button to start processing the files. The Status area at the top of the screen will update to show you the processing that is happening.


The Status box shows the copying process. If there is an error, a message will appear in this section saying that the part file cannot be copied, along with an explanation as to why. This means that you will have to go back and change either the source file or the destination file to correct the error.

Debug Mode

A Prolink support person may ask you to check this box if you have trouble copying files.

Flatten Models

As part files are changed over time, behind the scenes models may be created to keep track of these changes. For example, if you change the nominal and tolerances for a specific characteristic a new model would be created, and the old data would be in the old model along with the old nominals and tolerances. The new model would mark the point where those values were changed, and all new data would be saved into that model. QC-CALC is not model aware, and you will just see the new nominal and tolerances applied to all data in the file, but if you use ERS you will see the different models over time.

It is possible to have models created that do not actually contain any data. If you changed the nominals or tolerances within a part file twice without collecting any data in the middle, then you would have 2 new models created, but only the last model would end up with data (as new data is collected). When QC-CALC, SPC Office Buddy, or ERS are gathering up data to run a report (for example) the data from the different models needs to be joined so the same characteristic is kept together. This process of gathering up the data will get slower and slower over time as more and more models are added to a part file.

The Flatten operation will use the information (Labels, nominals, tolerances, …) from the latest model and bring all data forward into that model. At this point it will remove the old models and the speed for that file should be faster.

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you use the Copy Part Files operation to make copies of any files you plan on flattening before doing anything else. It is always safer to have copies of part files in case you do not like the results of this process.


QCQ File

Choose the folder containing your QCQ files on the Database screen.

SQL Server

Enter all the typical server information for the database containing the part files to be flattened, then click the Test Connection button to ensure it is all correct.

Choose Part File

In the Choose Part File section, you choose the part files with the model you will be flattening (or merging).


The available section shows the part files you provided in the following section.


The Process step is the final part of the Flatten Models area, where the models will be flattened. Click the Process button to start processing the files. The Status area at the top of the screen will update to show you what is happening.


The Status box shows the flattening process. If there is an error, a message will appear in this section saying that there was an error and the model could not be flattened, along with an explanation.

Debug Mode

A Prolink support person may ask you to check this box if you have problems merging models.

Merge Columns

When a characteristic or trace field's name changes, new columns are created in the part file without data from the prior name. Both names exist in the same part file, turning the overlapping data into golden dots. This area merges these columns so that all of the data is in the new name and the old column is removed.

Source Database

This is where the part file with the columns that will be merged is selected.


If the part file type is a QCQ file, select "QCQ File" in the Part File Type area. Choose the QCQ part file path that you would like to use in the QCQ File by clicking the … button or by typing in the path.


Select "SQL Server" in the Part File Type area if the part file is stored in a SQL Server database.

Discovered Connections
In this area, other Prolink software is examined to fill in the server information from them. If a connection is listed that contains the database you are using, click the Copy Connection Info Below button to have the Connection Information filled in automatically.

Connection Information
This is where the SQL Server information is filled out for the server that has the part file that will be changed.

Merge Columns

This is where the part file will be selected and merged.

Part File

All of the part files from the area specified in the Source Database are shown in the list from this area. Select the part file with the column you wish to merge from the list.

Column Type

Changes to characteristics, text trace fields, and numeric trace fields all cause the creation of a new column. Here, you can specify which of these should be merged.

Load Part File

Click this to load the part files in the file specified.

Merge From

Select the original name of the part file. This will be removed when the merge is completed.

Merge To

Select the new name of the part file. This will be the name of the column after the merge. Below is the end result. The data that was split is merged into one column with the new name.


Click the Process button for the merging to happen.