How to Give a User Access to QC-Mobile
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written: 11/30/2024
last modified: 01/07/2025

User access to QC-Mobile is managed through the ERS 4.1, 4.2 or QC-CALC SPC 4.3 applications. This article covers the steps to give new and existing users access to QC-Mobile, group permissions for QC-Mobile, and managing user access through the QC-Mobile Settings application. Completing the steps below will require Administrator access.

Create a New ERS/QC-CALC SPC User with QC-Mobile Access

  1. Go to the Tools > Administrator > Permission > User Permission menu.
  2. Click the image.png Add New User button.
  3. Enter a unique username and password.
  4. On the next screen, set QC-Mobile Status to "QC-Mobile User".
  5. Select the Save button when finished setting up the new user.


Give an Existing User Access to QC-Mobile

  1. Go to the Tools > Administrator > Permission > User Permission menu.
  2. If "Add to QC-Mobile" is displayed next to your user, click it to add your user to QC-Mobile.


Note: If the user is a Single Sign On (SSO) User, they can also be added to QC-Mobile. Their QC-Mobile username will be just the name portion without Domain\ appended to it, i.e. Prolink\jsmith will sign into QC-Mobile as jsmith.


Group Permissions for QC-Mobile Access

If the user is a member of a User Group, make sure the Group has permission to access QC-Mobile:

  1. Go to the Tools > Administrator > Permission > Group Permission menu.
  2. Select your User Group and then click the Pencil Button image.png to edit the group.
  3. Go to the Privileges section of the Group Administrator window.
  4. Enable the appropriate permissions under "QC-Mobile Privileges".


Manage Users from the QC-Mobile Settings Application

The number of active QC-Mobile Users you can have is determined by your license. Administrators can manage user access to QC-Mobile through the QC-Mobile Settings application.

  1. Right-click the QC-Mobile Settings application shortcut icon and choose Run as Administrator.
  2. Under License Settings select Update Users.
  3. Use the Arrow buttons to add image.png or remove image.png users to QC-Mobile.


Note: Users added to QC-Mobile can only be removed after 7 days, so be careful when adding users to QC-Mobile!


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