Points to Display/Sigma Zone Identification
QC-CALC Real-Time allows a virtually unlimited combination of configurations to customize the look and feel of the Real-Time Plots interface.

Here are a couple of examples of the vast configurations available within QC-CALC Real-Time.

Subgroup Size
Choose the number of data points that comprise a subgroup (or points) on the graphs in QC-CALC Real-Time. A subgroup size of 1 is the minimum size where each inspected part is displayed immediately as raw data. If you set the subgroup size to 2, no visible point is displayed until two parts are received. QC-CALC displays the current point within the subgroup in the lower status bar for easy identification.

Number of Points To Display
Choose how many points you want displayed simultaneously on the plots. As new data is collected, extra points scroll off screen, but they can easily be brought back with a handy horizontal scroll bar.

Display Limit Lines
Configure all the details of a plot that are important to you. Add Spec lines and remove Control Limits. It's up to you.

Display Data and Sigma Zone Labels
You can optionally turn on Sigma Zones as lines or colors to easily see where your actuals are landing within six sigma.