Converting an ERS 3.4 Raw Data Template
Steps to convert ERS 3.40 template for use in ERS 4.3
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written: 09/24/2024
last modified: 07/10/2024

Starting with the 4.3 version of QC-CALC, the old ERS program will be called QC-CALC SPC. As part of this, the Convert Templates programs that were available from both the ERS and QC-CALC Real-Time Help menus will become a single program. The new version has been setup to handle all of the different templates, but the Raw Data template from ERS 3.4 is an issue.

In ERS 3.4, the Raw Data template had a .RAW file extension, which was the extension from QC-CALC Real-Time. This was changed in ERS 4.1 to differentiate the two programs' extensions since the templates could not be used in the wrong program. The Convert Templates program for ERS was aware of this change and as part of updating the contents of the template from the 3.4 level to the 4.1 level it also switched the file name from a .RAW file to a .RDR file.

With ERS becoming QC-CALC SPC in the 4.3 version, the Convert Templates program now needs to be able to handle the Raw Data templates from both QC-CALC and ERS 3.4. This is a problem, but here are the directions for converting the ERS Raw Data template.

  1. From QC-CALC SPC, choose the Help > Open ProgramData Folder menu.
  2. In the Explorer window that appears, double-click the "TemplateConverter" folder.
  3. Find the "ConvertTemplates.ini" file and rename it to "ConvertTemplates-old.ini".
  4. Find the "ConvertTemplates-ERS_RAW.ini" file and rename it to "ConvertTemplates.ini".
  5. Now that the behind-the-scenes files are set up correctly, go to QC-CALC SPC 4.3 and choose the Help > Launch Template Converter menu.
  6. Hit the + button to choose your ERS 3.4 Raw Data templates (do NOT choose any other templates at this point) to be converted and then complete the rest of the conversion process.

NOTE: If you have any 3.4 QC-CALC templates or non-Raw Data ERS 3.4 templates to be converted, you need to rename the ini files back to the original names to process the other templates.

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