Smart Adapt Mode in QC-CALC Real-Time 4.3
An overview of Smart Adapt mode in QC-CALC Real-Time 4.3 and how to disable it
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written: 09/09/2024
last modified: 09/09/2024

Introduction to Smart Adapt

The goal of "Smart Adapt" is to stop QC-CALC Real-Time from adapting the Part File when the CMM operator has only changed the label on some of the characteristics in the CMM program. The tests below are how we try to prove this is the case, without getting a false positive:

Smart Adapt will only adapt the Part File if:

  1. A minimum of 10 Characteristics are sent to QC-CALC Real-Time

More features gives us a better chance of matching the pattern of Nominals, Tolerances, and Actuals in the correct order.

  1. There is a 100% match on all items, including:
    • Characteristic count
    • Nominal values in order, for all characteristics
    • Plus Tolerancer values in order, for all characteristics
    • Minus Tolerance values in order, for all characteristics

If the incoming data does not satisify these requirements, then Smart Adapt will not occur.

Disabling Smart Adapt

Smart Adapt is enabled by default but, there switch to turn it on or off. To disable Smart Adapt:

  1. Go to the Tools > Edit Application Defaults...
  2. In the Software Defaults Editor window that opens, look for the setting SmartAdaptEnabled
  3. Double-click on the setting in the Settings Value column to change it
  4. Enter a "0" and then select OK. Select the OK button again to close the Software Defaults Editor window
  5. Restart QC-CALC Real-Time so it can apply the new setting

Smart Adapt mode is now disabled

Smart_Adapt_Off_Switch (1).png

Disabling Smart Adapt Model Creation

There is also an option to control whether or not a new model is created when Smart Adapt occurs. This setting is disabled by default but, you can enable it. To enable model creation during Smart Adapt:

  1. Go to the Tools > Edit Application Defaults...
  2. In the Software Defaults Editor window that opens, look for the setting SmartAdaptCreateNewModel
  3. Double-click on the setting "0" in the Settings Value column to change it
  4. Enter a "1" and then select OK. Select the OK button again to close the Software Defaults Editor window
  5. Restart QC-CALC Real-Time so it can apply the new setting

Model creation during Smart Adapt mode is now enabled

SmartAdapt_Model_Option (1).png